I'm sick!

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Can I whine for a minute? Pretty please?

I feel terrible. Really awful. Like so bad that I want to curl up in bed and stay there for a week,a month, a year! But I can't. Why? I'm in pain. I lay down and hurt. I sit up and hurt. Laying on my left side is managable, but even moving makes my right side scream. Laying on my stomach is impossible and laying on my back feels like my ride side is being stabbed by my internal organs. Legs up, pain. Legs down, pain. Pain, PAIN, PPPAAAIIINNN!!!

I'm hungry, but I haven't been able to eat because even thinking about food makes me sick. I just feel miserable. Really, really, really miserable!

Okay, I'm done acting like a baby...for now. AAAHHH!!!

<3 Alexah
I am sorry that you are sick... have you seen a doctor? it doesn't sound good that your right side hurts... it could be your apendix(sp.?)... I hope you feel better soon

Owie! Poor Alexah! Your symptoms sound a LOT like how I was feeling the weekend before last :( A question for you, does it feel any better if you with your legs bent and your knees up? Sorry, I'm terrible at describing things. You said it feels a little less bad if you lie on your left side, if you do that and then bring your knees up to your chest a little does that relieve the pain at all? People who are experiencing severe abdominal pain often lie like that because it helps relieve the pain a little. Also, I agree, if it hurts really badly you should go to the doctor or an urgent care clinic!!!

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Sorry you feel so bad- it doesn't sound good at all. I agree that you should really go see a Doctor (and I am the worst one for that! I hate going to the hospital) but you need to get checked out and make sure it's nothing really serious, and they likely can give you something to help you feel better.

I also recommend a heating pad - I have lower abdomen pain often due to a problem I have, and I couldn't live without my hot pack, it's a life saver.

I appreciate all of the kind words, sympathy, and suggestions. I really do.

I'm still feeling pretty terrible. After my post I managed to choke some food down and tried to really push the fluids. I did okay, but then felt worse so I tried to lay down and take a nap. I must've fallen asleep because I woke up about an hour ago with even more pain on my side and back. Not fun.

Since I was awake, I figured I should actually do something, so I cleaned my rabbits' pens and then fed everybun. Then I fed the dogs, cleaned the water for my fish, and threw some clean clothes on. So, yeah...it's been a thrilling hour or so. And now I'm exhausted.

I did grab the heating pad before heading back to the living room, so I'm going to try that. At least I don't have much else that needs to be done tonight.

I don't think it's appendicitis. But, then again, who knows? I've had pain like this before and doctors have dismissed it. I've found it's a rare day when a doctor will actually LISTEN to his or her patient. Didn't you know? They're God's gift to the world and can't be told anything. Oh, sorry. I hope I didn't offend anyone - I'm kind of crabby due to the pain and just generally feeling sick.

Thanks again. I need to buck up - don't you think?!

<3 Alexah
Hope the heating pad helps some. You certainly didn't offend me about Doctors not being helpful. I've had a problem for three years (I know what it is) and have been in some terrible pain... it has taken this long for my Doctor to send me to a specialist and now thankfully she is helping me, although she can't do much. I told my doctor I've been in pain so bad I thought I'd die... she told me to take a bubble bath! But I won't get started on that.

Just try to relax a little bit :)

Well, I'm still feeling pretty miserable. I spent the majority of the day sleeping and I'm not even feeling better at this point. I'll probably head back to bed after taking care of the buns and feeding myself some dinner.

I really appreciate all of the concern everyone's showed me. It's nice to feel cared about, you know?

I still don't think I'm dealing with appendicitis. My right side is still killing me along with my back and lower abdomen, but I'm not getting worse - that has to count for something, right? I've had pain like this in the past and have gone to the ER, but they usually just send me home with a lame excuse. If I thought it was something serious, I'd go in, but what's the point? As you can tell...I'm kind of bitter.

Again, thanks so much. I don't know how much I'll be around tonight and tomorrow, but we'll see. At least the buns seem happy and healthy.

<3 Alexah
Awww I am so sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. How are you feeling today? Hope your on the mend. Sending you lots of love, hugs and get well vibes.

Could be gall bladder stones. I had them for about a year before I went to the doc, I was just sure I was dying.

Often the pain can feel like it's in your shoulder blade or just below, as well as being this terrible pain in your right side of your abdomin. You may feel like vomitting as the pain goes on and on. Lying on one side can alieviate the pain for a while.

An ultrasound will show the stones if you have any.

Hope you feel better soon!



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