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I have MSN. I don't usually turn iton, but if youwish to chat, let me know and I will. Idon't knowthetime-difference between here and there, but we can figurethat out.

I can appreciate your lovefor rabbits and your search to findthe answers to your questions before you delve intoit.

The ones to ask about breeding questions are the breeders.With breeding comes a lot of heartaches and a lot of hardwork. I've learned a little bit about it, but I'm notexperienced enough to give advice.

I hope you stick around, and we can help you make the best choice possible for you and the little ones about to be in your care.

I'll put my welcome to the board on here. Ididn't see this when I replied to your other post. You seem to want todo what is best for the rabbits. I hope whatever you decide will be thebest for you and the bunnies. If you feel you can do it, then do it.


I breed netherland dwarf and holland lop. Carolyn is so right. It's a lot of hard work, and sometimes a lot of heartache.

Research as much as you can. Everyone here will help as much as theycan. Make sure your bunnies are purebred....try to find abreederthat haspedigreed bunnies.

Feel free to email me anytime with questions.

[email protected]


P.S. Welcome to the forum.
Hello Becc! Welcome to the forum!

Just by staying around and replying back the way you have, I can see your made of some good stock.

Your intentions seem ok...as long as this is just not one of those "Throw away hobbies".

Members here are very protective of their buns and of each other. We'vegot a family feel to this forum. They're caring, honest ,straightforward, and are one of the best resources around.

Definitely research, research, research. And then come here and discuss everything you want.

:~) Jim
Welcome Becc!

I too am 16yrs old, and am just starting off breeding/showing HollandLops. I have to say a huge "thank you" for doing research first insteadof just going off and buying rabbits like so many people do, notknowing what you are getting into.

Rabbits are such wonderful, rewarding pets. But they do take alot ofcare, and are not cheap by any means. As of now I have spent $1,300since October 04 on rabbits alone. You also have to think about whatyou are going to do with the rabbits when you want to go to college.

With my rabbits, I decided not to give them up in college, therefore Iwouldonly have the choice of going to one of two colleges.But to me I think it's worth it. I plan on having them for as long as Ican keep them, so it's just fine with me.

Anways, again, welcome to the forum! And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. ;)

Thanks everyone, just lettin yas know that thisisnt just a "throw away hobbie" once I have sold the babies I will keepthe parents, the breeding part is just for school and I want to keepthe parents as pets. I have wanted rabbits for so long, now I'm oldenuf to make my own decisions (accordin to my mum!)


Hi Becc and welcome. I am In Australia too, (NSW)anyway I just wanted to let you know that the people here are verycaring and loving towards each other and all the bunnies.

They are people with a wealth of knowledge who give heartfelt help andadvice. I'm not quite sure what it is that you are meant to be doingfor your school thingy, if you explain it again I will try andunderstand and help you if I can.

I'll explain it again. I'm doing a class calledAgriculture/Horticulture and our major assessment task is torun an enterprise and try if possible to make a profit. We can doanything we want to do and I have wanted rabbits for so long but my mumnever let us, i asked not long ago and she said that I can get 2. Iwant to breed dwarf rabbits and sell the kit but keep the parents.After the project is over I'll get the parents fixed etc.

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