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I'm sorry, I should have been morespecific. My concern is that there are so many problems withbunnies in Australia from what I have been told.

That's why I thought you should wait a while. I hate the over populations also.
Over populations are caused by irresponsibleowners and breeders. A good breeder keeps their rabbits under control.They only breed what they can sell if they aren't planning on keepingbut one. The responsible breeder takes rabbits back if someone decidesthey don't want them anymore. I know breeders who make their buyerssign contracts saying they the buyer will return the rabbit if nolonger wanted rather then sent to a shelter. So if becc is aresponsible breeder then I have no objections to her having a litter.It's the irresponsible breeders that give the bad name to breeders.

I know this wasn't geared towards breeders but just wanted to bring up the point. ;)

that was a good point thanks for bringin it up. Iwill be responsible and if the buyers dont want the rabbits anymore iwill either keep them or find otehr homes for them. Breeders whowouldnt are bad. i would never be like that thankyou for believin in me
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
Over populations are caused by irresponsible owners andbreeders. A good breeder keeps their rabbits under control. They onlybreed what they can sell if they aren't planning on keeping but one.The responsible breeder takes rabbits back if someone decides theydon't want them anymore. I know breeders who make their buyers signcontracts saying they the buyer will return the rabbit if no longerwanted rather then sent to a shelter. So if becc is a responsiblebreeder then I have no objections to her having a litter. It's theirresponsible breeders that give the bad name to breeders.

I know this wasn't geared towards breeders but just wanted to bring up the point. ;)


Great call amanda that would a big concern of mine

I have to commend you. You came to the board and that was the start ofyour research. You understand that you need to do research beforestarting out. If you didn't care you would have just went and boughtrabbits and bred them without caring. But it shows that you care sinceyou came asking for advice!

I hope you understand that you will never know all there is to rabbits.It's best to read up on the basics. I honestly learned all of myknowledge from actually having to experience the event myself. I'mquite the visual learner LOL! ;)
Becc, I have an inside bunny so I am not good onhutches. I think it looks fine but I wonder if you are goingto have a litterpan in it? or what. If you use a wood floor Ithink you need that.

Otherwise, I would want wire flooring. That looks like a nicebig hutch. How will you separate babies whenneeded? You'll need to plan for that as well since they gettaken from the mommy and kept together for a short time and then if youkeep them any longer you have to separate girls and boys.

Have you found a rabbit savvy vet for emergencies? and you are requiredsome shots there I think. Have you researched permits there?I know some of OZ has to have them.

Are your rabbits going to be placed outside? Ifso you need to be real careful because of the heat you have there inAussie. ;)I'd use a wiring floor over a solid floor. It willallow more air flow through your cage with the hot weather you have'down under';)I've got loads of friends from Aussie and justLOVE the accent LOL!
are you going to build a run for your rabbits toexorcise?? and are you building two hutches so the male and female canbe seperated when nessasary?

We already have one hutch and I am going to buildanother one. I will have a kinda yard where the rabbits can run aroundwhen im outside. Would cats or anything hurt them if i wasnt around?I'm worried about that.
yes animals will hurt them and rabbits canlitterly be scared to death. did you get to look at the house rabbitsocesty website they have alot of what you need to know onthere!:)

Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:
I have to commend you. You came to the board and that wasthe start of your research. You understand that you need to do researchbefore starting out. If you didn't care you would have just went andbought rabbits and bred them without caring. But it shows that you caresince you came asking for advice!

I hope you understand that you will never know all there is to rabbits.It's best to read up on the basics. I honestly learned all of myknowledge from actually having to experience the event myself. I'mquite the visual learner LOL! ;)
I commend you as well for coming to this forum before starting yourproject.Like everyone else, I never meant to offendyou. I was just giving my honest opinion.
I think people on this forum are just overprotective of bunnies since there are so many unwanted bunnies in the world.
Don't get offended, everybody here is very nice and try to give the best advice.
Also there are professional breeders on the forum, so they can give youa lot of advice in case something goes wrong with the breeding.

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