Well-Known Member
i do but it wont let me sign in.. i have AIM and Yahoo though
Over populations are caused by irresponsible owners andbreeders. A good breeder keeps their rabbits under control. They onlybreed what they can sell if they aren't planning on keeping but one.The responsible breeder takes rabbits back if someone decides theydon't want them anymore. I know breeders who make their buyers signcontracts saying they the buyer will return the rabbit if no longerwanted rather then sent to a shelter. So if becc is a responsiblebreeder then I have no objections to her having a litter. It's theirresponsible breeders that give the bad name to breeders.
I know this wasn't geared towards breeders but just wanted to bring up the point.
I commend you as well for coming to this forum before starting yourproject.Like everyone else, I never meant to offendyou. I was just giving my honest opinion.I have to commend you. You came to the board and that wasthe start of your research. You understand that you need to do researchbefore starting out. If you didn't care you would have just went andbought rabbits and bred them without caring. But it shows that you caresince you came asking for advice!
I hope you understand that you will never know all there is to rabbits.It's best to read up on the basics. I honestly learned all of myknowledge from actually having to experience the event myself. I'mquite the visual learner LOL!![]()