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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2005
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Rosedale, Victoria, , Australia
Hey everyone i'm new on here obviously!

I'm 16 years old and I live in Australia. I love rabbits but never hadmuch luck with them when i was younger! I'm hoping that all changesthis year as I am buying two dwarf rabbits, a male and a female tobreed as an enterprise at school. I have always loved rabbits as I loveall animals. I dont want anyone to think I am only breeding rabbits tomake money because I'm not. If i could keep them all i would but my mumwould kill me! If anyone could give me any tips on what age rabbits ishould get etc please do! All help will be greatly appreciated

Hugz n kisses, Becc
Hi and welcome to the forum!:) If you haven't had much luck with bunnies in the past, youprobably won't have better luck now. My suggestion would beto first education yourself on rabbit care, behavior, etc.There is so much to know before adopting a bunny. Good luck!

P.S. Why ARE you breeding them?

I shouldve written why i hadnt had much luck with rabbits, the lastrabbit i had was when i was 7 and we moved from South Australia toVictoria it was like an 8 hour trip in the heat. We tried everythin thekeep Leo the Lop (i was young okay!) cool but a few days after wesettled in poor Leo passed away. I wont be taking these rabbitsanywhere!
In my class Agriculture/ Horticulture we have todo an enterprise. I've been pestering my mum for years to let me havedwarf rabbits and she said if i paid for everything for them she'd letme breed them for my enterprise and keep the parents after the class isover. I'm not being cruel am i? I dont think I am
hello ,

here are some websites you should check out




there is alot that goes into caring for just one rabbit after you havedone lots of research and thought about if this is right and you haveenough time and you deside you still want them then stop think somemore just to be sure.

rabbits can live for 8 or more years whats going to happen to them when you graduate and move ???
this is a MAJOR comitment please consider consider considerconsider...... do you have the time it takes , bunnys cant be in cagesall the time they need at least two hours a day out of their cage doyou have this time?????
It very sweet you have a interest inrabbits they are lots of fun. I think the girls you havetalked to are right. I think school is a bad place for a forrabbits. Then you cant even keep the baby rabbits. theres ahuge problem with over population. Your 16do youhave time with school to rise a rabbit not to mention a family ofrabbits.The word neglectcomes to mindwhen I think about rabbits as a enterprise atschool. Rabbits are very timid and they hatelots ofnoise. I know children and they well try all the wrong waysto get the rabbits attention. Sara has alot of good points(and lissa too) one of them being what are you going to do when collegecomes around. I think two hours out of the cage is a minimum atleast.


Hey! welcome and yeah i would suggest ot breedingrabbits till your outta school! right now i like screwed up soo badly!once i had gotten my Gecko, i forgot they lived for 20+ years! :shock:so now if and when i go to college i have to buy a house and share withsomeone! and i find time for my animals because i have like no life!LMBO all my friends have jobs so i cant really hang out with them.. solike i'm always with my animals.. i would suggest waiting for awhileand start planning everything first! planning ahead is always good!
I lived at home and had buns from age 12 or sothrough college. Still going. I don't think I'd personally breed on alarge scale, but a few litters are great if you can find homes for all.It all comes down tothe fact that rabbits are more fun whenyou can give them each attention.

Good luck and welcome!

Hi,if I were Iwould finish up School first. Then while u go to School thenget one bunny cause that would be all I could handle.Delia
Thankyou rose and to everyone else who replied. Iseriously dont think its a bad idea, im thinkin writin on this websiteis a bad idea. I have many rabbit books which i will read later ontoday, i have plenty of webpages thanks to some kind people on here(thanks) and i will never ever and i swear to this neglect a rabbit. Iwill have homes for the babies and thats a promise.

I wasnt going to breed them at school i was going to breed them at homeand only have one litter. It is only for an enterprise and my family(my cousins) want rabbitstoo. I love rabbits and will be keeping theparents. I wont neglect them, my mum is willing to support my "Hobby"

I have the time for them as i am only a part time student, i am doin avet course which means lots of frees which i come home to work in andwednesdays off. I only have an eleven year old brother who wouldnt harmor scare the rabbits so little kids wont be around them.

I have plenty of time when i am home from school to let the rabbits outand my mum would be able to when im not home if worst came to worstwhich i highly doubt. I will be living here until I am at least 19 or20 when i go to University. When i do go to University I will leave myrabbits to my brother who will most likely be attached to them too.

If anyone still has problems please tell me. I thank you all for yourkindness but the putdowns are not needed, i am a smart, kind person andwould never hurt any animal. If I didnt think breeding rabbits was agood idea and that i couldnt handle the resposibility I wouldnt bedoing it.

I hope i've reassured some people.

i dont believe anyone was tring to put you downjust to express a genuine concern nobody ment to hurt your feelingsjust to give their point of veiw and if we offended then i apoligize itis my oppinion that you need to have a wider knollage base before youfet the rabbits so that you can understand everything that goes intotaking care of them,

We don't know you as a person. You're just a name on a message boardthat rights messages. Only you know what you can handle and what youcan't handle. Do what you think is best for yourself and the health ofyour rabbits. If you stick with dwarfs you won't have as many kits tofind homes for. I, myself, went to a career school for animal care.where we had to have a 'breeding project' To be honest, it was good forthe students. They each came out loving the animals more then when theyfirst started. They learned so much through the breeding project.However, I have to warnyou... ifyou are supposed to'make money' on your enterprise then rabbits aren't a good example. Youhave to breed for yearsafter years, litters after litters,sells after sells before you even start to come out even. ;)

I'm sorry if i seemed angry i've hard a roughfew days at school. Thanks guys for apologising at least thats twopeople i know who will apologise! (Ignore that school stuff)

Anyway, I dont think we have to make money ,as long as we gainknowledge out of what we are doing and complete assignments then it isfind. Quiet frankly i dont really mind if i dont make any money, i loverabbits i think them and horses are the most beautiful animals on earth(horses being large, rabbits being my small fav)

Does anyone have msn messenger here who would talk to me aboutrabbits? I'm not signed in at the moment but if somebody wants me to iwill.

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