I'm home alone!! :(

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Lol! Steve is well used to me being scared now.... I always have to sleep on the side of the bed furthest from the door- so if we stay in hotels etc this quite often means that we have to sleep on different sides to normal lol!

One night last week or the week before, I had some sort of a nightmare and woke Steve up screaming. He had to shake me awake and tell me that I was ok! Then I needed the loo but was too scared to go so he had got up and came with me lol.... :p

It's a good thing he loves me.... :D

Steve is home now! YAY! No more lonliness.... :) Poor man left at 7am to get home in good time but broke down at the services for about 2 hours or so and didn't get home til 3pm :shock: It's only a 5 hour drive normally!
Yay I'm glad Steve is home! I get lonely too when Paul is gone, even if it's just for a few hours... The other day when I was putting up the Christmas tree, I stopped before decorating it because I was lonely! As soon as he got home I put the ornaments on even though he fell asleep on the couch :)

I don't have a problem with the dark or anything most of the time. I've always hated uncovered windows at night! So much that I was looking at a kitchen plan that had windows under all the cabinets and thought I wouldn't like it because you couldn't cover the windows at night! I've also always been really freaked out (and yet fascinated) by aliens. A few months ago, I read a convincing account of aliens on a farm in North Dakota or something (I tried to find the Wikipedia article on it but can't) and my imagination was running away with me. When Paul and I went to bed, we chatted for a bit and I told him about the encounter, and a minute or so later we heard a weird, multi-note trilling sound from outside the window. It didn't sound like anything I'd heard before. Neither of us said anything for a couple seconds, then he said "Maybe it's the alien invasion!", rolled over and fell asleep. THANKS, DEAR! That left me freaked out in bed, listening carefully to the suddenly many sounds coming from downstairs. After about 10 minutes, I worked up the courage to go down there and check it out (after all, the aliens could have been eating the bunnies or something!). Thankfully, there was nothing out of the ordinary downstairs, but I had all the lights on and didn't go to bed until about 6 am. It took me a few days to stop being slightly on edge.

Anyone else have alien fears like me?
Me, too.

I used to go outside and stargaze a lot. I've seen a few things that can't be explained as helicopters, airplanes, or swamp gases :p
Funnily enough, aliens don't scare me. I don't like to watch anything with aliens/ghosts in etc, but it's not what scares me when I'm on my own. I think I'm mostly scared of 'baddies' lol. Although, if you asked me to describe exactly what it was I was scared of, I wouldn't be able to tell you. The film Scream (I know, it's sooooo crap and ridiculous) scared the pants off of me for the first murder scene I think where the boyfriend is on the patio? And various other scenes where the mask just 'pops up' from nowhere :shock::shock::shock: I watched a crime drama once where someone walked into a room where the window had no curtains and a security light went on outside and there was a man stood at the window. I actually jumped out of my skin when he then shot her through the window and it's terrified me ever since lol! :shock:

I cannot watch anything vaguely scary. As I said, even rubbish scary films like Scream, terrify me. When I was 15 I went to see the Blair Witch Project, and you know the hand patterns on the wall all over the house? Childrens handprints I think. Well, we were decorating our hallway at the time, and the wallpaper had left imprints on the wall that were almost exactly like those handprints! I couldn't sleep with the door closed, because it scared me to be completely in the dark (our hall light was always on). I literally didn't sleep for a week. I was scared to close my eyes in case the Blair Witch appeared whilst I had them closed lol! Soooo silly I know.... :?
The creepy little boy from "The Grudge" terrified me. I was always afraid that I was going to open the shower curtain to get in and there would be a blue little Japanese boy staring at me, then meowing and running away. (after I was dead, of course)
kherrmann3 wrote:
The creepy little boy from "The Grudge" terrified me. I was always afraid that I was going to open the shower curtain to get in and there would be a blue little Japanese boy staring at me, then meowing and running away. (after I was dead, of course)
I haven't even watched that! Just seeing the trailer terrified me enough....

It's not that scary of a movie! That's the best part! It's more psychologically damaging in the long run :p You jump a few times, but it was CREEPY! It makes me leap across the hallway from the bedroom to the bathroom, and back again. I even have been known to do a running/flying leap into the bed just in case that creepy kid is under the bed.

kherrmann3 wrote:
It's not that scary of a movie! That's the best part! It's more psychologically damaging in the long run :p You jump a few times, but it was CREEPY! It makes me leap across the hallway from the bedroom to the bathroom, and back again. I even have been known to do a running/flying leap into the bed just in case that creepy kid is under the bed.

See, our bathroom is down the other end of the hallway from our bedroom lol! I doubt I'd be able to leap that far without breaking some bones. Soooo, I can't watch it for health reasons! :cool:
I saw the Blair Witch Project in the theater, and it was pretty darn scary to me! The fact that it never actually showed anything was beside the point, just imagining it was enough. I'm sure watching it on TV wouldn't be as bad, but on the huge screen at the theater in the dark, it was plenty scary. I haven't seen The Grudge, but the girl from... what was the movie? The one where if you watch some tape, a girl named Samara comes up out of a well and kills you. She was in a night gown and had long brown hair draped over her face. Well, that girl is scary!
Shiloh, you're thinking of The Ring...

I saw it, and that little girl scared the bejeebers out of me.... however, I reallyliked the cool way they "manipulated" the film to find the film location.. Interesting story line, but too scary... I would like to see the second one just to see if they have another cool story, but I'm too scared.

Something about turning children into objects of horror really bothers me. Also films where children are evil/injured/mutilated. Can't watch them, and can't watch kids get scared.

Remember The Sixth Sense? Couldn't gag that one down either.
I hate scary scary movies, the hills have eyes, Saw I,II and Seven are the worst ones, I'm a queer child though I laugh in scary situations so when I was watching all these movies I was laughing histerically.... When I was in the movies watching the Grudge I was told to shuddup so many times especially when the little boy came on. Im NOT watching Quarantine, that looks so scary!

Snowy Shiloh I've only seen that girl on Scary Movie I was laughing so hard lol (but coz it was funny not scary lol) I actually think I've seen that movie, is that the girl who was in the bathtub in the really murky water?
I used to LOVE horror movies! Almost nothing phased me. Then I grew up, and evolved into a chicken. Here is a spoof of "The Ring" that you may enjoy :)

I can't figure out how to embed it from this site. Just go watch!

EDIT: Does anyone watch Robot Chicken? That's the show that this was from. It's hilarious! I <3 stop-motion!
OMG, I totally thought I was in trouble this morning!!

I was alseep, but I had the thought "it would be better if something would fall." What seemed like right after that, I sat straight up in bed because there was a sort of crashing from the living room, followed by a little bit of bunny scuffling, then nothing. I looked at the clock, it was 5:13, but it was going to go off at 5:15, so I lay back down, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I *swear* I heard what sounded like the sliding glass door closing. :shock:You know, that slide then stop. Then it was quiet for a few seconds, and then Nick started thumping. Every few seconds, THUMP.

I lay there frozen until the alarm went off, which I let beep a few more times than normal. Got up, put clothes on, then went out after my eyes adjusted. As I cautiously crept around the place, turning lights on as I went, everything seemed normal. Checked all the closets, and the guest bath. Front door locked, glass door locked. The vertical blinds were still, and I hadn't heard them rattle. (I keep them pulled across the glass door so I can hear if that door is open, of if someone goes through, they will rattle like crazy.)
Nick was in his house, Amelia was stretched out by the gate. I let them out, they ran around as normal.

I found the strength to brush my teeth, though I left the air purifier in the bedroom off. I usually turn it on in the morning, so I don't wake Jason up while I'm moving around, but today I left it off just in case I needed him to hear me.

I managed to calm down enough to make breakfast for the bunnies and myself, and pack my lunch. Still haven't done my hair, though, I get it wet and blow dry it. I will have to wake Jason up early so he'll be up while I do it.

As I type this, I am just starting to relax, but my shoulders now hurt from being so tensed up. I probably gained 3 pounds from this morning's stress. Ugh. I SO thought I was gonna die today.

Edit: I will probably start keeping my cell phone on me at all times now.
Haha! How funny (thinking it, then it "happening"). I'm sorry that you're so tense, I know how that goes :hug:

Having a roommate like ours stopped me from being super-paranoid about odd noises. He comes home at weird hours and stays up to the wee hours of the morning, only to go to work at 6:00AM. I don't know how he does it. So, if I hear the doors opening/closing at 3:00AM, I just assume it's Sean and go back to bed. If it's not, Will has a katana (Japanese sword) and a broadsword in our bedroom. Plus, I have Toby. Rawr!

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