I'm home alone!! :(

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
Steve has gone away to his mums this weekend. I 'wasn't allowed' to go.... long story :(:X

He left at 9am this morning and wont be back til Monday morning. I was looking forward to the space and some time to myself, but it's now 6pm and I am officially BORED and LONELY!!

At least X Factor is on tonight... he doesn't want me to watch it without him but it serves him right lol!! :p
Well Jen, if you're bored, you could always send me a few helpful PMs to keep on my homework, and OFF RO :)

Like... "Hey Autumn, stop looking at bunny pics and GET BACK TO WORK!!!"
That would be helpful:biggrin2:!
NorthernAutumn wrote:
Well Jen, if you're bored, you could always send me a few helpful PMs to keep on my homework, and OFF RO :)

Like... "Hey Autumn, stop looking at bunny pics and GET BACK TO WORK!!!"
That would be helpful:biggrin2:!
Done! Might have got it the wrong way round though lol.... :angel::devil
mouse_chalk wrote:
Steve has gone away to his mums this weekend. I 'wasn't allowed' to go.... long story :(:X
Sometimes, I wish I wasn't allowed by Will's :p j/k, or am I?

I'm sorry you're home alone :( That sucks. I guess that just means that you have the bunnies all to yourself ;)
kherrmann3 wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
Steve has gone away to his mums this weekend. I 'wasn't allowed' to go.... long story :(:X
Sometimes, I wish I wasn't allowed by Will's :p j/k, or am I?

I'm sorry you're home alone :( That sucks. I guess that just means that you have the bunnies all to yourself ;)
LOL!! This is true.... and the bunnies are giving me KISSES!! :D HA Steve!!

The reason I'm 'not allowed' is because his mum has been really ill recently, and supposedly accoring to Steve's brother, she hides it when I'm there, and plays hostess and runs around after us all the time, which makes her feel worse. So his brother said that Steve should go up on his own.

I don't mind at all really, but then Steve made this 'joke' the other day in the supermarket that he hasn't actually seen his mum on his own since we got together 3 years ago. He said 'you've been keeping me away from my mum all this time' :X:X:X:X Which annoyed me a LOT because I never have! And I haven't said a thing about him going away, although I did say that last weekend wouldn't have been the best time to go with bunnies ill and fighting left right and centre. So we had a HUGE row about that....

The thing that bugs me is that for some unknown reason, his brother HATES me. He barely even addresses me when I'm there, and there was a massive row last time we were up because of something I said that Steve's brother took the wrong way, and started yelling at Steve for. They've not spoken since :? It just makes me feel uncomfortable lol.... :?

But I have wine, bunny kisses and huge bunny binkies lol.... I don't need a man! :p
That must be boring! You could watch some movies, spend quality time with the bunnies so that you won't be as bored.
Boring? Sounds like heaven to me, Being able to stretch out on the sofa by myself and watch what I want. Eat the WHOLE bar of chocolate and have all the wine to myself.....Great
Sabine wrote:
Boring? Sounds like heaven to me, Being able to stretch out on the sofa by myself and watch what I want. Eat the WHOLE bar of chocolate and have all the wine to myself.....Great
I don't have any chocolate!!!!!!! :cry1::cry1::cry1::cry1::cry1:

Oooooooh I do have cheesecake in the fridge though :D
Sabine wrote:
Yeah, feet get awful cold in bed without them:)
Aaaah, I've just remembered that I'll have so much more room lol!!! I can sleep in an E/C shape- I sort of lie on my side and stick my arms and legs out in front of me :D

I must come clean and say that the reason I'm kinda upset is because of a past relationship. It just brings back bad memories. I used to go out with this guy, for 3 and a half years (when I was 16-19) who's parents HATED me. I never understood what I did, but they just didn't like me. I used to spend a lot of time round there, so we got to know each other fairly well, and on the surface we got on ok, but they were always so touchy with me, no matter how polite I was to them... Anyway, they used to make a big deal out of 'family events' like meals, birthdays etc- and they'd make a big deal out of saying I wasn't invited, although they'd invited his brother's girlfriend because she was 'part of the family'. And then whenever he spoke to me on the phone you could always hear them in the background 'oh god she's so clingy!' and 'can she not leave you alone for 5 minutes?' Even though he was the one who called me not the other way around! I think it's just led me to be so paranoid of families.... I could never ever figure out what I had done for them to hate me. In the end his brother set him up with some girl and he cheated on me. I obviously was a tad angry/devastated at this lol, but then his brother came storming round my house to tell me what a..... *not very nice person* I was and how I was always a 'limpet' and so clingy and how he was glad his brother had cheated on me.....

I guess I've been paranoid of family's ever since lol!! :p Although I do genuinely think that his brother doesn't like me. His mum is lovely! And his other 2 brothers are as well... I actually even really like the brother who doesn't like me lol....

Sigh! Sorry I just had to type that out somewhere! Steve thought I wasn't missing him when we spoke on the phone earlier, but I realised that it's actually because I'm paranoid that his family might not like me either.......

I'm home alone too. Lonely, but the dog and a kitty is sleeping right on me. I'm watching HGTV in bed and on the lap top.

Ryan has been gone all day. We have been fighting all day. He is so immature :(.
undergunfire wrote:
I'm home alone too. Lonely, but the dog and a kitty is sleeping right on me. I'm watching HGTV in bed and on the lap top.

Ryan has been gone all day. We have been fighting all day. He is so immature :(.
:hug: Aww that sucks.... I hope you make it up soon :) Men on the whole are immature I find!:hug:

When me and Steve had the big row the other night, I got out of bed and went to sleep in the spare room. Well, silly me, because god knows where the duvet cover, pillow and sheet have gone for the double bed!! So I had to storm back into our bedroom, grab our pillow (and invent another angry comment while I was there lol), and then sleep on the bare mattress with a duvet and no cover over me! Frreeeeeeeezing! I got my laptop out and listened to sad songs until I fell asleep. The next morning he saw me and felt all guilty and tried to persuade me to go and sleep in our bed. I refused. I am stubborn lol. I ignored him! I waited until he got in the shower then I got back in our bed and went to sleep lol...

Then he left without saying goodbye, and I cried again.... I got up, my dad came round with my brother, and while they were here, these turned up!


Supposedly he realised the error of his ways very early in the morning and got straight onto Interflora. Then he came home from work for lunch which was about an hour away just to try and apologise to me lol...

I am one of those people that only argue if I really know that I can win the argument... Therefore when I argue with Steve, he knows he's going to lose lol, it's only a matter of time!! :p
mouse_chalk wrote:
The next morning he saw me and felt all guilty and tried to persuade me to go and sleep in our bed. I refused. I am stubborn lol. I ignored him! I waited until he got in the shower then I got back in our bed and went to sleep lol...
Aweh, thats so sweet that he got you the flowers. :)
mouse_chalk wrote:
Oooooooh I do have cheesecake in the fridge though :D
Heck with the chocolate! Go for the "sin in dessert form"! Cheesecake SO beats chocolate! :p

Those are some nice flowers! At least you have a guy who realizes when he's wrong. I do the whole "I'm sleeping on the couch because you're a jerk" thing to Will, too. I can't refuse to go back to bed, though. He'll pick me up and put me back in bed if I refuse! (Side note: I am 5'3" (1.6 meters) and Will is 6'4" (1.93 meters) tall. I don't stand a chance! lol).

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