The docs aren't saying anything, that's the problem! They've written in my hospital report (on the computer at my GP's surgery) that they'll see me again in 3 months.... Which seems silly to me- why wait 3 months for my back to do all that healing (it'll take about 3x that long to heal it completely though!), then get me back in and do another operation? If I'm going to have another one I'd like to just get it in and over with! So I think I might make a private appointment to see my consultant, whilst I still have the cover with work- before they sack me, I'm going to make the most of it!
Anyway, my present on Valentine's Day- sorry to keep you all in suspense! It was an Olympic red rose, which apparently, according to my ex-florist partner (don't tell him I told you that!) is the biggest kind of red rose, and only grown specially for Valentine's Day. It's half as tall as me!
I also got some really nice perfume, that I've been eyeing up for a while- Benefit Maybe Baby, and I got taken out for a very nice lunch.
Sadly no ring, LOL!

I'd been kind of hoping, which is a bit silly really I know- i don't think he wants to get married at all, and we've only been together for 2 and a half years- plus I'm still only 23! But I'd been kind of hoping... :?
Anyway, Birmingham was great- we had the biggest poshest apartment I've ever seen- fully equipped kitchen, living room with leather sofas, 2 massive bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with bath and shower- PLUS a balcony running all the way round the apartment-for only £80 between 4 of us!!

We had a great night, I felt very rough and was in a lot of pain but it was worth it to see the band and hang out with my mates again. Unfortunately though, one of my friends has passed her cold onto me- and I woke up with swollen glands, a very sore throat, headache and aching all over!

Plus, being dizzy and my back really hurting from all the travels!
Oh well, at least I've had some fun....