I'm going into hospital.....

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It's time like these that I wish the world was just a bit smaller - so we could be there to help you and distract you from the pain.

Best of luck and speedy recovery! I do wish that this is your final operation for this same reason and that it completely heals.

Aww, you guys! Thanks! :)

Well, I came home at about 5pm, I had the op at about 9.30 this morning... I vaguely remember getting myself into a state in recovery because they wanted to give me paracetomol for the pain....Hello? It's not a headache, I've just been cut open! So I got Paracetomol, Ibuprofen, Codiene, and adouble dose ofFenatnyl (spelling?), plus the Tramadol I've been sent home with.... I feel completely wasted right now! Still lots of pain though.... :ponder:

They got all the infection, but it seems it was just a quick patch-up job, and I've been told I'll likely need another procedure at somepoint in the near future...YAY :?

But home now, with flowers, and lots of attention being lavished on me!

Thanks for the link Amy, I'll take a look at those pics and cheer myself up! :)
I'm so glad you are back! Was thinking about you today. Get some rest and get Steve to spoil you rotten and nurse you back to health. Awww you poor thing bet it has seemed like such a long day to you and bless you, you even managed to get on the computer to let us know how you are doing :hug:

Lots of hugs love Amy xx

I hardly slept at all last night- the room was spinning, even when I closed my eyes and everything seemed to be flashing. Think it was the effect of all those painkillers! :?Plus the nurse came super early this morning... Ow some more!

A couple of my friends are coming to visit later I think- except one who was going to come but can't make it now because she is 'watching rugby' witha 'friend' of ours who hates me! :(

Sorry, I'm just feeling very sorry for myself today, think I might go look in the Photo Philes forum to cheer myself up, and maybe buy something online... :)
LuvaBun wrote:
How are you doing, hon? There's nothing worse than being over tired and not being able to sleep 'cos of the pain :(.

Thinking of you and hoping you can get some rest (and haven't spent a fortune online :D)


Thanks Jan!

Well, I took stronger painkillers and felt really woozy, so didn't trust myself to go spending online feeling like that lol! :shock:I had a little sleep though, hooray :)

Plus, 4 of my friends just came round to see me, with chocolate, bless them :)So that made me feel better too, even though they wore me out, and I secretly think they just wanted to see the bunnies...

So feeling a little better in myself, but still ill and in pain! :grumpy:

Plus, 4 of my friends just came round to see me, with chocolate, bless them :)So that made me feel better too, even though they wore me out, and I secretly think they just wanted to see the bunnies...

Maybe you should charge people, A box of chocolates..Or goodies to see the buns.

I hate it when i'm sick and people are around trying to entertain you but all you want to do is sleep..You seem very patient with that. :p
I was very patient lol, considering 3 of them are guys andvery excitable chatty ones at that! But they all wanted to give me a hug and see how I was doing, which more than made up for the noise they made! I don't normally want to see anyone when I'm ill but I really wanted to see some friendly faces today :)I do feel bad though, cos it's one of their birthdays this weekend, my friend Dave, and we were all supposed to be going out tonight to celebrate, but obviously I can't go! They all said that it wont be the same without me! :(
SorryI missed this! I hope you feel better, it sure doesn't sound fun what you're going through!

Get well soon,

-TK :nurse:
That sounds pretty uncomfortable, glad you're getting all fixed up! Take advantage of the rest and eat chocolate!

The bunnies need attention too or they might feel bad! So it's good your friends gave them a visit! ;)

Chocolate always makes me feel better!

I hope you're starting to feel a bit better soon! I know that usually the 3rd day after a surgery is the worst for some reason!

Take it easy..... take the pain pills if they make you sleep - that's good - sleep away the worst of it!

Bo don't worry, the bunnies are getting lots of attention- one thing I can do is lie on my front and play with them lol! I'm not allowed to clean them out though, Steve wont allow that! :disgust:

I know you're all probably getting sick of my moaning now but I feel miserable today! I had to have a bath before the nurse came round and it STANG so much!! I might have been sat in pure alcohol instead of warm water the way it felt! :yuck

I've just about managed to hobble to the sofa and balance the laptop on the side of my stomach so I can have some form of entertainment! Taken all my painkillers at once (as in the maximum dose I can take, not ALL of them lol!), so I'll either be fast asleep soon or posting garbled rubbish everywhere! :?

I can't believe it hurts so much... I knew from the previous surgeries it's painful, but I always forget how painful it is... :cry1:

I did cheer myself up by buying lots of expensive Tigi Bedhead hair stuff last night on Ebay though... trying to stop myself getting more...!