I'm getting glasses!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Anchorage, Alaska, USA
I went to the optomistrist today because I've been having problems with long distance vision. And I need part time glasses!!!! I'm uber duber excited because I've wanted glasses since I was really litte and I'm the last one from my family to get them.

Once they get here from the lab I'll take a picture for you all!

Wow, to be excited over glasses. :D

Just wait till you are running late and can't remember where you put them down! Add the fact you can't see all that great without your glasses and can't see to find them. It can lead to some interesting times. :p

LOL! Excited for glasses! I agree DA!

Wait until it's 90° in the shade and they are sliding down your nose cause you're all sweaty!

Or forget to take them off and go down a waterslide! :embarrassed:

I do hope you like them. I get the lightweight ones and they seem to do much better!

I have tried contacts several times, but my eyes are super sensitive so it's not worked yet.
Ha Ha you sound just like my son a few months ago we went to the optometrist together, i was way over due, and his vision didnt warrant glasses and he was so bummed, he wanted them so bad???. lol, Then he was mad at me that i had to get them.

I would suggest , if you can afford it, to get two pair. I usually get two pair one i keepi n the house and the other i keep in the car, there is nothing more frustrating when i get all the way out to the car, get all three kids in and realize "CRAP i forgot my glasses" lol. The second is always a back up if you loose the first pair, or the buns get to them,lol. I am glad you are happy about glasses,lol, i too only wear mine part time so it isnt too bad.
I wore glasses/contacts for almost 40 years before I finally had laser surgery. I had extremely bad vision and couldn't see the hand in front of my face. Life is so much easier!
Welcome to glasses-land! I'm a sporadic wearer too... hate the way they feel on my face, but it sure is nice to see that... wow... all trees really do have individual leaves! :cool:
Congrats! You'll have to let us know how you like actually wearing them:p.

I pretty much wear mine to read or be online, otherwise my eyes start hurting. I've had the same pair for almost 15 years:shock:, does not seem like it at all:p. The frames are kinda big is the only thing I don't like about them. I plan to go get new ones and get my eyes checked soon, though:D.

I hope you really like them! Can't wait to see the pic of you in them;).

-Calls glasses place- If this girl gets hurt because she cant see a darned thing, I shall..I shall...break YOUR glasses,

Oh so you don't have glasses. Well i'll break the person who signs you check's glasses.
lol, my vision isn't that bad, just can't read stuff that's far away (bilboards, black board, scoreboard at hockey ect.) But I appreciate your concern

Funny story about that hockey bit. At UAA hockey games we have a jersey raffle where the jerseys from last year are up for raffle and various kids hockey teams from around the city sell tickets and get the profit from the jersey. I ALWAYS enter and have probably spent hundreds of dollars trying to get a jersey (and even if I don't I'm supporting kid's hockey which is a-ok by me). Well I bought 2 tickets on friday and when the numbers came up on the reader board it looked like it might be my number, but I couldn't read it because it was so far away. I asked my friend to read it to me and it was my number!!! I won the jersey of the 'bad boy' of the UAA hockey team :shock::bunnydance:it was pretty awesome, but I'm glad I was sitting with someone who could read the board!
I remember a time when I wanted glasses... then came the time when I actually needed glasses... now I'd love to have perfect vision again.

Aww, cute! How do you like them? I wonder if you'll have the same problem I do... When it gets really cold out, I'll be walking along and one of the lenses of my glasses will fall out! Sometimes both of them do at the same time. I have horrendous eyesight so it's always kinda of... fun... looking for them in the snow.

How are you adjusting to them? When I first got mine, it was so weird! I had worn contact lenses for years and I was very aware of the blurry images around the edges of the glasses and I woke up a lot at night thinking I was still wearing them. Oh yeah, and the first time I got drunk after getting glasses, I woke up the next morning and thought, Oh God I'm still drunk, my vision is blurry! Wait a second.... *put on glasses* No I'm not! :biggrin2:
lol, shiloh you're a hoot.

Unlike your crazy neck of the woods it stays a normal, god-fearing temp up here :pso I don't think it will be cold enough to change the shape of the glass.

So far I like them a lot, the doc said only part time, but I've been wearing them most of the time anyway :whistling
Nice! They look great...

Shiloh, you are a hoot!

Oh, be careful with wearing them more than you have to. Your eyes will become more dependant on them and then you will have to wear them full time...that is not fun. At least not for me.

Glad you're enjoying them.


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