Thought I'd update this! The girls are doing so well! They're growing like weeds. They don't look like babies anymore, they look like little adults! Annabell has actually surpassed Lalita in weight and is 200 grams, Lita is 180 grams. We're still fighting Bella's URI, but it obviously isn't impacting her growth at all and she's very active and curious. Both girls are still a little skittish (sometimes more than others) but have made great strides. I'm sure they'll be pretty laid back in a few months! A girl on the rat forum got a pair of baby rats right around the time I got my girls, and my girls seem tamer than hers even though they were never handled before me.
Also, the girls are going to be babysat by a girl on the ratty forum who lives here in town. We've become friends. I'm going to be out of town for almost a whole month from the middle of December until the middle of January
The girls are going to live with 6 of her 9 foster rats during that time. I'm going to miss them, but I'm sure she'll spoil them and they'll love the company! Best of all is when we go to pick them up after the month, we're going to bring home two (or maybe even 3 since she has a trio I really like) of the foster rats
We'll take home whichever two Bella and Lita seem to like the best. How cool is that, they get to pick their friends!
Paul is going to take care of the buns and birds while I'm gone. He's going to have a lot on his hands! I'm going to miss my Paul and my animals
Also, I've sewn two more sets of hammocks for the girls! I've done regular flat hammocks, tubes, pocket hammocks, pouches, double deckers and a nifty kind that I think is called a bunk bed. If I may say, my skills are improving a lot and they look pretty good! Tomorrow I will post updated photos of the babies and a picture of their cage with the most recent bedding.