Donna, we just got the photos and I finished resizing them and uploading them! I took about 60 photos, and around 12 turned out. Baby rats are wiggly! There aren't any photos of them together because Paul and I didn't even want to try to keep both of them in the same spot at once. They were running everywhere- the nonpurple baby actually made it to the edge of the kitchen counter and I caught her as she went over the side, in midair :shock2: I'm not at all coordinated, but it's good to know I can pull my act together when necessary, especially considering she went over the edge opposite to the side I was standing on and I couldn't even see what was happening.
So, on to the photos. These first ones are of the baby with the purple marked tail, to be known as Baby A until she gets a name. She's the more laid back one and smaller, and the one that I picked to be a friend for Baby B.
With her friend, Quivers the Beanie Baby bear-ghost. This shows how little she is!
Another size comparison- I swear she looks bigger than she actually is next to that can!
Baby B, the tail chasing girl who endeared herself to me at the pet store:
She cuddled against my hand! I'm sure it was partly out of fear, but better than being afraid of my hand, right?
I think this is my favorite picture:
Paul and I are impressed by how not skittish they are. They're obviously a bit nervous, but they aren't afraid of hands and let me pick them up fine. They're less antsy than our 3 girls we bought from Petco back a couple years ago, probably because they're younger.
Well I'm off to take a shower then to bed, seeing as it's almost 3:30! I hope you guys enjoyed! Oh and does anyone have name suggestions now that you can see photos? I had another idea: Havarti and Halloumi. They're both kinds of cheese. Yummy cheese, too! They had their very first taste of cheese tonight and loved it. They even tussled over it! I'm not worried about that though, my girls wrestled all the time and they loved each other