If you won the lottery, what would you do?

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If i won the lottery,i would keep a bit formyself,just enough to keep me comfortable for the rest of mylife,andi wouldgive a fair bitto my twoboys,and the rest i would split up between charities.

My number one charity is the Ronald Mcdonald house..for childhood cancer

My son Anthony was diagnosed with cancer when he was 13..he's 16 nowand cancer free :D,but what he went through will always haunt me.

i would take a month long trip around the world.. . stopping in africa to make a personal donation to one of the manyorphanages there that are currently filled with AIDS kids. . .

i would pick a few rescues to donate to also.

my parents would be set for the rest of their lives, my grandparentswould also be set. i would set up money for my brother to go tocollege, my one sister to have her dream wedding, and my other sisterwould get a fund for the baby, plus a house (or at least a chunk ofland to build on). . .

i have an aunt that has had many life problems, and is in major debtright now just surviving. . . she is a product of an abusiverelationship and is working on fixing her life, and her childrens, iwould get some support for them. . . even if it was only clearing someof her old debt.

i would buy a house, and become a foster parent to kids. i wouldalsohave a special few rooms that were turned into bunnyrooms, and besides herman and winnie, i would fill them with fosterrabbits.

i would buy an irish wolfhound (or rescue one) as that is my dream dog.

i would send a summer renting a villa in tuscany, or one of the smallervillages around that area. . . spend my days lounging, going to themarket, collecting odd trinkets. . . it is one of my dreams. . . afterreading under the tuscan sun, i want to travel there so bad!

i would leave a large chunk of my money to some random person when idied. . . simply because i have always thought it would be the coolestthing to get contacted by a lawyer saying "the lady you opened the doorfor 2 years ago died, and left you so and so much money". . .

there is a lot i could do with a large sum of money. . .

I LOVE that idea.....how sweet....:)

katt wrote:
i would leave a large chunk ofmy money to some random person when i died. . . simply because i havealways thought it would be the coolest thing to get contacted by alawyer saying "the lady you opened the door for 2 years ago died, andleft you so and so much money". . .
I know that I would buy a couple ofhomes. One somewhere warm, maybe Hawaii. I'd alsobuy my mom and brother a home. Probably have to get a newDodge Charger, those are too cool, and it would have to be a stick, Imiss stick shifts.

Pay off every bill I have and all my family's too:D. Get awhole new wardrobe,a makeover, adopt some bunnies, build anew bowling alley for my husband to run. He wants to do thatsoooo bad.

That's all I can think if for now. I'd also buy my son anything he wanted:D.
Amberry wrote:
Ijust watched it, reminds me alittle of how I am living, I live in a 12by 13 foot room and I only go out to use the bathroom, my husbandsmakes all my food because of how badly I feel in this place, I hatebeing here. It is his mothers house and I am not comfortable at allhere. I feel like I have stayed over at a friends house WAY too longand it is time to go home... except there is no where else for me togo.
aawww Amberry...I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I justwanted to tell you though, that things will change for the better. Ifyou can believe this, I was a single mom on welfare for almost 3 yearsafter I got laid off in 1995. It wasn't until 1998 that Ifinally got full-time work again, and within a year I hadpurchased my own house. Had someone told me a year before this that Iwould be going from welfare to owning my own house within the year, Iwould never have believed it. Yet it did happen.

You just hang onto faith that something better is coming your way soon, and it will... :hug1
Ooo I love thinking about this stuff.

Buy a house with mucho land, open up an animal shelter, donate a lot, and invest quite a bit.

I bought a mega millions ticket a couple days ago when the jackpot was around 300 million, but no luck. :?
Quit my job and go back to school. Pay off myhouse so I don't have a mortgage. Give some to my parents.Pay off Neil's school loans. Put the rest in the bank and live off theinterest. Travel for a month each year to different parts of the world.

That lottery I win better beseveral millions...


Thanks for that info on adopting.We're definately adopting but are waiting until at least a year or twoafter my husband graduates medical school. Hopefully by thattime (2-3 years) Guatemala's program will be up and runningagain. I looked up China's policies and they've changed a lotsince I last looked into it. I can't believe you have to havea net worth of $80,000.
cheryl13 wrote:
My son Anthony was diagnosed with cancer when he was13..he's 16 now and cancer free :D,but what he went through will alwayshaunt me.

Oh Cheryl I never knew that...I'm so pleased he's well now. That musthave been so hard for you having to keep strong for him, and obviouslyfor him, I can't imagine going through the treatment.


Oh gosh..And they say money doesn't buy happiness? I disagree..

I'd love to have the money so I can go tocollege after highschool to become a veterinarian. Maybe open a clinic that deals withpeople who can't afford veterinarian care for their pets.

I'd love to buy a large house with a few rooms dedicated to rabbits. Have lots of fosters too.

I'd love to donatea large amount of money to the HRS,and other charities.

So many more things...
I would pay off my MIL's house. My FIL died andleft all of us with a lot of debt. My BF and I live with her and itwould be nice for her to not have to worry about making the morgage ifwe left. I would buy my BF the building he is in love with and wants toturn into an art studio. I would buy my dream home. It would probablylook like the Addams Family house, and kids would say "That's wherethose scary people live." It would have a Giant library, a sewing room(also for knitting supplies), and a ceramics studio in it. I would makemy Faux taxidermy, which I have been so interested in, but can't affordthe supplies. I would probably get another rabbit or three. I would buylots of books. I would probably open my own business (most likely aretail store, or screen printing place) and hire my BIL, so he wouldn'thave to hurt himself cutting trees anymore. My BF, BIL , and myselfwould also probably make movies, so I would need the camera we havebeen admiring, and a nice computer for editing.I would finally be ableto afford to get married, and go on my Disney Cruise honeymoon. I wouldvisit Ireland, England, Scotland, and Japan. I would visit my homeland,Alaska. I would take my BIL to Seattle, and hopefully inspire him tomake music again.

If I won the Lotto (and funny you metion it, Itried to play but the computer for the lotto was down), I would buymyself a house, with 6 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms. Two levels mind you.

Most of those bathrooms and bedrooms would be expanded into suites, three would be turned into one. Haven! lol.

I would also give some to animal rescue's including Steve Irwin's zoo. To help the crocs since he no longer can (RIP Steve!).

Than I would go shopping for new clothes.

I would take a two week trip to Tokyo, Japan.

I would buy some pets I wouldn't be able to have because of housingproblems (cost of houses sucks! Meaning they are to much!) Rottweilers,GSD's, Staffies, Great Danes, Dobies, etc.

I would spend the rest on living and on the animals.
I would buy our family a new house, give some tocharity, some to the animal resue team, some to help end world hunger,some to support a child, some to buy shoes, anoth nindendo ds, nintendods games and give some to my grandparents,aunts,uncles,cousins(etc...)
I would make a extension to my house, so thatBunBuns' room could be bigger. And she could have a ginormous NICmansion! I would go to needy countries and personally give money outinstead of sending it to a organization. Then i would get my dad aporch and my mom a silver jeep (hers is black) and then iwould put the rest into my university savings.


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