If you won the lottery, what would you do?

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the 1st thing id do it quit my job!!!! oh wait, i don't have a job ;)

no i'd acutally buy the house my grandparents live in and all the land.my greatgrandpa built it over 50years ago, then i'd remodel it. id buythem a condo were ever they wanted to live. buy me,ron and cody lots ofstuff and the bunnys. i'd also get a bigger salt water tank! help myyounger sister holly get on her feet. pay of my dad house and he and mystepmom take care of my sisters holly's 2 kids so i'd set up a savingsacct so they can go to college and maybe a trustfund they get when theygraduate. my mom and stepdad have a nice house and good jobs so notsure i'd need to help them. an my sister lisa and her husband arepretty well off too, but her daughter my niece hanna is autistic so i'ddo something nice for her. I also have a cousin that in a wheelchairhe's got alot of different problems i'd see if my aunt angie neededanything to help his life be better. i could think of lots of place idlike to go
Assuming I won an amount of moneylarge enough for me to do whatever I wanted this is how it would go. Iwould put at least 80% of it in a bank to live off of the interestlater. I want a large house, particularly an underground one (but it isneogatable (Iwant my boyfriends parents house! It is amazing!)) I wantmy own little zoo: dogs, cats, rabbits, goats, sheep, horses, theworks. I want to pay off my mom's house and give her some money. I wantto do something nice for all of my family. I want to donate tocharities. I want to travel the world. I want to do whatever workstrikes my interest and not have to stick to one thing. There is somuch I want to do that I can't even list it all!

the first thing I would do is buy my mom herdream house, a nice cottage on a lake. Then new vehicles for everyone.After that I would build my dream horse farm with a half mile track soi could train trotters. When I got tired of that, I would hire someoneto look after my farm and travel north america in a winnebago, just myand hubby.

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