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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
It's a longshot I know, but if there's any fastknitters out there with time on their hands, I really had my heart seton alittle Santa hat with slitsfor bunnies'ears. I ordered one, but I guess I didn't make thecut(they were only doing a few). I'd liketo donate the costs+ toSARS (Small Animal Rescue) seeing asit was their idea, they were selling them ($10 or something I think),but I can also cover wool and postage if the costs aren't toohigh. (I've only worked on bunny stuffthis wholeyear, and the little beggars don't pay in cash,justjoy!)

I did offer to post a pic of the hatshere on RO with a callfordonations on the honor system if anybody used the pattern(and to round up volunteer knitters to help with their supply), butthey declined those offers, so I'd rather not make this a bigdeal!

PM me if you can help!

That is so cute!

That gives me an idea though, I bought Tumnus a Santa hat..I wonder ifI could just cut slits for the ears...I never thought about doingsomething like that.

If you get one sas, we will definitely need pics!
Pipp wrote:
Awwww, that's too precious! Thanks so much for that!

(And if anybody else sees this and wants to give it a shot for theirown bunnies, the donation info for SARS is here -- it would be nice tocredit them with a dollar or five forthe idea!)




Was planning on sending a donation to SARS to help out with Eddy therabbit who may need a wheel chair and the 2 blind kittens (seePetfinder). Thanks for the reminder - I need to snail mail amoney order.

Any way, I know the SARS knitter is very skilled and can alter patternsto fit. I'm sure her hats are mini-masterpieces. Myskills are way less.

I have a Santa hat for my buzzard but nothing for the rabbits.
I got my orders in on time and got two of theadorable Santa hats for Sparky and Scooter from SARS. Cutehats for the bunnies and a contribution to a good cause!
You got yoursalready?

They really are the best designed hats I've ever seen.The pic they used to model thehat was one of THE cutest bunnyChristmas picsever.

I wanted to post it with a donation note, but no go,they'reafraid people will steal the idea -- which I guessmeans it's probably not a good idea to post Sparky and Scooter's,either, duh!:eek:hwell: So really,if anybody makes their ownSanta hat, make adonation!

(Otherwise I'm in trouble).


EDIT: But then again... what's the point of having a santa hat if you can't post pics?


aurora369 wrote:
That was exactly my thought too Pipp!!

SeniorCat: Do you mean Buzzard, as in the bird of prey, or is that the name of a pet?


Oh no, I meant my husband. He's the big one in the middle

No wait! I meant a stuffed toy buzzard.Our township is famous for the buzzards thatlivehere. Collecting various buzzardsis a local hobby -annual Buzzard Day pins, Christmas ornaments, etc.http://www.hinckleytwp.org

My favorite stuffed buzzard has various hats and outfits. Atthe moment he is at the office sitting on the '2006 Deer of Doom'wearing his Santa hat. The deer of doom is - wellthat's a whole 'nuther story.
LOL!! Scooter doesn't look all that merry, but still sooooo cute!!

I think we need a Deer of Doom blog post -- with a pic of the buzzard in the santa hat for good measure!

PS: Seniorcats, love the 'small town, big heart' catch phrase, btw, andI never knewbuzzards were so prompt!;)

sas et al :biggrin:
Pipp wrote:
They really are the best designed hats I've ever seen. Thepic they used to model thehat was one of THE cutest bunnyChristmas picsever.

I wanted to post it with a donation note, but no go,they'reafraid people will steal the idea -- which I guessmeans it's probably not a good idea to post Sparky and Scooter's,either, duh!:eek:hwell: So really,if anybody makes their ownSanta hat, make adonation!

(Otherwise I'm in trouble).


EDIT: But then again... what's the point of having a santa hat if you can't post pics?


The bunny model was Harvey and he is very dear to me.

But good Lord - what is going onhere???? Please feel free to postpictures of the bunnies in the hats... NO ONE denied persmissionfor anything...the pattern isn't a copyright of ours....the only thingwe didn't follow up on was the idea fromPipp to paton (sp?)and then sell the idea to other groups etc....we just wanted to make a*few* hats and use it as a fundraiser...please quit the subtle jabs andjust enjoy the hats. Let's not take the fun out of this.

Anyone who got a hat from SARS - PLEASE feel free topost or show it to your friends if they'd like to makeone.

Slave to a bunny and senior cats - thank you so much for your support. We appreciate it.
Rabbit Hutch wrote:
The bunny model was Harvey and he is verydear to me.

But good Lord - what is going onhere???? Please feel free to postpictures of the bunnies in the hats... NO ONE denied persmissionfor anything...the pattern isn't a copyright of ours....the only thingwe didn't follow up on was the idea fromPipp to paton (sp?)and then sell the idea to other groups etc....we just wanted to make a*few* hats and use it as a fundraiser...please quit the subtle jabs andjust enjoy the hats. Let's not take the fun out of this.
No jabs at all!! I asked a couple of times, mostly forpermission to post the pic of Harvey (didn't know that's who it was!)on the RO board with a note to donate (and I think an offer to round upextra knitters), and permissionwas denied, someone elsefromSARS told me SARS wanted to keep it low key, they didn'twant people to lift theidea,they were goingtotry and do a bigger run next year.

But if that's not the official SARSstand,:pleaseplease::pleaseplease::pleaseplease::pleaseplease:postthe pic of Harvey!!!:love It's TOOcute!!!

sas :santawink:
Rabbit Hutch, Harvey is a handsomebun. I am happy to support SARS even though it's not a bigamount. It's amazing the large number of animals you manageto rescue although you have no physical shelter.

I checked out your Petfinder listings yesterday was astonished to seewell over 100 rabbits available for adoption and all are currentlyliving in foster homes. Hats off (Santa hats and otherwise)to you and all the SARS volunteers for saving, housing, feeding,spaying, neuteringand loving so many bunnies. Iguess it's time to start thinking about making little bunny New Yearhats.


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