I wish that I was single again!

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GREAT!!! Let us know how it turns out. I was just doing reading a rabbit magazine I have that had article on kennels vs inhouse pet sitting vs person living w/rabbit while you are out of town. What works best for rabbits is petsitter in house. The least disruptive and stressful for bunny. I am invisioning business cards for you already. Hey if you decide this works for you PM me I would be glad to help. There are programs where you can do business cards on you computer for cheap. Don't tell me you can't do them........... If I can anyone can. :goodluck
OK, so you got me thinking again - cut that out, kidding. I am not sure if you told me this already and I hate to go on again about the older pets. but........

Have you had the greyhound since he was a pup? Some people paper train them when they are pups and you could leave newspaper on the floor at night and eliminate the problem or my mom picks up her dog water around 7 or 8pm so her dog won't go in the house at night. She gets up at 6am to let him out again. Just a thought.
:)Hi Baci...the greyhound ZIP was actually a racing dog that was adopted by my husband when he was about 4 yrs. They adopt them out if they are not good runners (or do other horrible things to them like sell them to research companies or euthan ize them). Greyhounds make excellent pets as they are gentle, how ever because they have such long legs they need some special features in the home..like a big very soft bed (as they are very lean) and rugs to prevent them fro slipping on slick floors. Our grey hound can not ride in a sedan but must ride in an Suv or covered truck as he stands up when we ride. Because of his age he can not do stairs anymore. My husband has to carry him upstairs at night to sleep as the first floor is new and the 2nd floor (where Ikeep the buns) is not redone. We are afraid he will wet downstairs so when we leave the house we carry him up so he will be in the room where I have the plastic laid out. I can't carry him as he is too heavy and long and I am small so to take him out frequently at nite is not easy. I feel that because of his age 15yrs. it is easier to do what we are doing . He is more like a colt (long legs) than a dog when it comes to handling him. Thanks for thinking about it Baci :)
You are awesome!! I always wanted to adopt one when I saw the rescues at Petsmart but I have never had a fenced in yard. I will soon but I have a dog that has made it clear he is the one. He loves his boy, bunnies and harrasses the cat but wants to be the only dog.

Hang in there Angieluv, there is a special place for people like you. :DI used to get teased by my family because of all the rescues I had but you take the cake. LOL:D

I once rescued a old dog whose owner was taken away by ambulance and the dog left in her trailer for days before the neighbors checked on her. This poor old lady's daughter did not even go to check on the dog in the middle of winter. She mentioned to me that she wondered what ever happened to the dog so we went over there and the neighbor finally had found it under the owners bed cowering. It had not eaten in a week, the neighbor had checked the day after the owner was taken to the hospital but the dog was so scared it did not come out.

when the owner was home she fed the dog meals on wheels because she did not like them so the dog had rotten teeth, matted hair and was skin and bones. She would growl for the longest time if anyone went near her. Poor thing. I spent so much on vet bills, nebulizer treatments etc when I first got her. But after that she was soooo loyal. Rescues pets are the best.
:DThanks Baci..the most bizarre things I have done (when I was in Chicago) . I once took a crow home on rollerblades. It couldn't fly. It died be fore we could get it to the wild life center. Once I found a dead opposum. Since they are marsupials (carry babies in pouches) she had three very tiny babies in her pouch that were alive. I took them out of her carcass and took them home . They were so tiny they looked like little lima beans. I just couldn't stand the idea of that these babies were suckling on a dead mother..........death sentence. I called a wild-life expert who told me to put them next to a hot water bottle ina towel and took them to a wild life center. I don't know if they lived or not. If you think that I am extreme ..my best friend in Berwyn Ill. is way more extreme than me..she is constantly rescuing everything. In terms of pets I think that any animal from a rescue most times is a better pet than from other places. I like mixed breed dogs better than pure bred as they often don't carry the health problems of one breed alone. and to be honest I like the variety of appearances in mixed breeds....except maybe collies and german shepherds which I think are awesome looking purebred (although most german sheherds get hip dysplasia)
Oh I forgot my rabbit sitting job went really well. it was THurs until today. The woman works at the shelter. I am going to have her tell her friends about me for pet-sitting and also use the shelter as a reference. :D