Retired Moderator
Angieluv does your vet already give you a discount? I'm in Ontario, but our vet gives us a multi-pet discount(more than 5 pets)'s not much...about 5% off services and things like that. But it helps take a bit of the pinch out of med bills! We have 4 bunns and 5 cats right now( I have been warned I will be sleeping outside if anymore show up!!
) and after spending about $100 dollars a month just on hay, I tracked down a farm just outside of town that trains/boards horses. The woman gave us a great deal on baled hay...she picks out the nice grassy ones for is around a 50lb bale I think...I have to get hubby to lift it...for $3!!! Much nicer than driving 45 minutes to the closest store that carried good quality hay! It is super fresh and smells much nicer than the stuff we were buying! The bunns love it too! Our one cat has a problem with protien build up in her bladder and was really prone to bladder stones(she had 2 seperate surgeries for them!) The prescription food from the vet was killing us so we started looking around for brand name catfood with lower protien...which we eventually found for about $10 less a bag. So far 5 years later no more surgeries and she is fit and healthy! Our dog was taking thyroid meds (Hypothyroidism) and then vet told us if we brought back the bottle instead of them having to give us a new one each time, that that would help cut a bit of the cost as well. Do they have generic meds for pets?? We also stash $10 dollars a paycheck away in a seperate account for emergencies(it is sorely depleted now!) but even that little helps offset vet bills!
Sorry I can't suggest more! Hope some of this helps! He might want to keep in mind you are helping to pay for his cat and dogs care as well as the care for the kids you brought in! He knew you were an animal lover when he married you, I hope it is just the stress of finances that has made him a grouch! Once an animal lover always an animal lover...some things never change! Hugs!
Sorry I can't suggest more! Hope some of this helps! He might want to keep in mind you are helping to pay for his cat and dogs care as well as the care for the kids you brought in! He knew you were an animal lover when he married you, I hope it is just the stress of finances that has made him a grouch! Once an animal lover always an animal lover...some things never change! Hugs!