I gave her some baby Mylicon and it seems to be helping, she was just laying down with her back feet out behind her, which she hasn't done since the night before last. She's eating some more parsley right now, it seems to be the only thing she'll touch. The rice sock didn't work, I think she's scared of it. :? I was VERY happy to see fairly normal looking poops, small but firm. :colors:I think if she still doesn't seem right in another hour I'll treat for gas again, and if she keeps eating and looking better I was thinking of cancelling the vet appt, is that a good idea? I'm trying to keep her stress levels down, she hates being held and she's been held three times already and will be at least once more because her bottom is a little messy, and she spent two hours in the car late last night and 1/2 hour at the vet, so she's had her share. I don't want to have to put her through more if it isn't absolutely necessary. Any thoughts?