I need some ideas for bunny proofing...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
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New York, USA
Hi everyone. I need some help with bunny proofing the computer area and the living room area of my apt. We already have the computer wires that ae directly sticking out of the pcs lifted up from the ground and running through a metal rack that is attached to the underside of the desk but with Toby so naughty I'm afraid he might chew things on the pc end where they are sticking out. I'd ideally like to box in the pcs (there are two side by side underneath the computer desk) in somehow so he can't get to it at all.

In the living room the 2 places I don't want them getting to are underneath the couch and underneath the entertainment unit. The couch is raised 6-8 inches off the ground and the entertainment unit is about 5-6 inches off the ground.

My husband won't let me put just cardboard or something like it to block off the area becaus he wants to make it look less conspicuous. The cardboard would be a sore thumb sticking out of our decor. What can I use? Plastic, if so, what kind? I would be ok with some sort of metal grate thing but I don't want it to be huge and bulky like another pen fence, plus those are so expensive. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

I got into a frenzy already with Toby under the couch, I can't have it again but I really wished I could let him roam free :(
I have seem some clear plastic type stuff at hardware stores. It is near the chloroplast (NIC cage bottom). You should be able to get different sizes, and might be able to get it cut if it is too big.
You could try a piece of plywood and paint it the colour of your wall so it blends in. Again, you should be able to get it cut to the size you want if you don't have the proper tools.
There are wire racks that are supposed to hang from the bottom of cupboards. You could put them under the couch to prevent him from going under. Storage containers could work too and would be functional. You would need to measure carefully so it fits.
Hmmm all very good ideas! I'm going to hit up Home Depot tomorrow and see what I can get from there. I was thinking that either the plastic bins or plexiglass would be good for the living room (more inconspicuous). And for the PCs, I would like to use some sorta wire fence (I'm not sure where to get it or how this will end up yet). If I can get my hands on some NIC panels I could just connect them together in a row across to fence in the PCs and it would be electronic friendly (for air flow). The problem is I've never ever seen them for sale anywhere, not even Target and Walmart.

Thanks everyone! If anyone else has ideas, I would love to hear them!
Helen...as far as I know, all Targets carry cube panels. You find them in the section with the organize stuff. My Target has 2 different sections of organize type stuff for some reason, lol....but you can just ask a employee. I have never seen cubes at Walmart.
I used to have a sort of fence around the living room chair and ottoman, as it was in the corner; Amelia would crawl under, then pull up carpet behind it. Naughty girl!

I just used some NIC panels, and connected them with cable ties. My furniture is a medium-gray color, and I used black panels. You could see them, but it wasn't too obnoxious.

My Target has the panels in the "home improvement" section, with the wire storage shelves. They're not actually called NIC panels. I think the brand has changed, used to be Organize It, now it's something else, but the product is exactly the same. If you ask an employee, ask for "wire storage cubes" or something like that. Seeing as back-to-school is coming up, many stores should have them.

I've only seen them occasionally at Walmart; I have one pack, but they don't fit together with my Target ones.

If you still can't find them at Target, try Bed Bath and Beyond. I have seen some there. I think they might be a little more expensive per-panel, but if you can't find them anywhere else......
I think I may use NICs when I bunny proof my bedroom because the spaces fit panels better but....

I hit the jackpot at home depot. I bought two wire shelf racks in the shelving/laundry room/closet aisle (less than $8 each). I used cable ties to put them together to my desk's length and voilà! Fenced in both PCs.

I also found some "hardboard" ($4.20 each 2' by 4') which I had cut to strips in the size of my spaces under the furniture. I put them together into box shapes with L brackets & cable ties and stuck them under the couch and entertainment unit, wires and cables inside. It is pretty seamless and inconspicuous an now the buns can't hide under the couch! It didn't cost much, I think it was cheaper than buying multiple NIC cube panels given that the spaces I needed blocked in the living room were so wide. I'll post some pics tomorrow. Hubby and I are BEAT!!!
Here are the finished products:

#1 - Fencing in the PCs with wire linen shelves



Toby demonstrates bunny proof success:

#2 - Fencing in the power source of all my PCs cables and the room's floor lamp area which for some reason is the rabbit magnet of the room. I *had* to figure out a way to make this area inaccessible! Another linen shelf put vertically did the trick.

"Ma, I disapprove of this..."

"Me too, I disapprove..."

#3: Preventing bunnies from going far into the depths of the "under-couch". Cut up some "hardboard", drilled a few holes, and created an L shaped box construction with L brackets and cable ties. It's not too visible if you are standing up looking at the couch. There are lamp wires hidden inside the box now which used to run under the side table.

Here's a side angle view:

#4: this was a tough one. I was originally going to construct a similar box underneath the entertainment unit but it proved to be super hard to cut the hardboard into narrow enough strips. Plus the cables and wires back there are so thick that it's almost impossible to maneuver without significant lifting and re-arranging. So we did the next best thing. We just cheaped it and created a new "wall" with side panels to prevent bunnies from going in the sides behind the unit.

Here's what it looks like from the most visible corner view. No wires or cables are sticking out under the unit anymore, so I'm not too concerned with the bunnies going there. It's fairly shallow in depth so I won't have too much trouble getting them out if they do hang out under there.

Here's what it looks like from above the right side panel.

Here's a view from the back, behind the TV. The green is the wall. You can see the hardboards creating a new wall right up against the unit. Pardon my dust :)

Here's a view from the right side viewing the left panel way on the far side.

Huff...puff... huff...puff... many hours and 2 trips to Home Depot later, the buns can safely roam! Oh yeah, I also bought some plastic casings to stick some of the exposed lamp wires that I can't help but leave exposed. I accidentally left a piece of the casing lying around and King Kirby has already tested its durabililty. It passes the test :p

Toby just went to the living room to give the space a test run: YUP! He approves!!! He has never run so many laps around me before lol

It was so much work to setup and put in. But seeing how happy he was running in the living room made it all worth it :D

All that is left is the bedroom... Oh man I'll leave that for some other day... Or month... Or year. I'm soooo tired from this weekend :)

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