Well-Known Member
gypsy wrote:
Anti-inflammatories and pain meds would be ofvalueas well as limiting his activity. I found these types oftherapies to be very helpful in treating horses, which can be prone tohock problems.
Vet wrap could be applied for support as long as he's not chewing itoff. However, it would be extremely dangerous towrap the hocks too tight, as this would cut off circulation.I would leave them unwrapped at night and check a couple times a day tobe certain they are not too tight.
Because of the expense and risks of surgery -- I wouldn't even consider it at this point.
"Well, I guess that is something I will have to put behind me, becauseat this point it doesn't change the fact that Raph is here and doeshave this condition."
So true. Immense handicaps can be overcome and dealtwith. This will serve as a learning experience for othersdealing with this problem.
I have a questionconcerning Raph , Pam can you answer it ,I know this is a deformity BUTcan possibly heat , either moistor dry help in reducingthe stiffness and make thejoint plyable enough to moveback into a semi normal position ,followed up with a cold pack torelieve inflamation ?
Iknow when my back desides to slip off myhips moist heat, followed byice will relieve theswelling and help it sometimesgo back into place with out daysor weeks worth of suffering ? Couldthis be something that wouldbenifitRaph ?
Anti-inflammatories and pain meds would be ofvalueas well as limiting his activity. I found these types oftherapies to be very helpful in treating horses, which can be prone tohock problems.
Vet wrap could be applied for support as long as he's not chewing itoff. However, it would be extremely dangerous towrap the hocks too tight, as this would cut off circulation.I would leave them unwrapped at night and check a couple times a day tobe certain they are not too tight.
Because of the expense and risks of surgery -- I wouldn't even consider it at this point.
"Well, I guess that is something I will have to put behind me, becauseat this point it doesn't change the fact that Raph is here and doeshave this condition."
So true. Immense handicaps can be overcome and dealtwith. This will serve as a learning experience for othersdealing with this problem.