i need help

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Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
i just got my rabbit and when he pee's, he has this white stuff in his urine...?

he's a male, so could it be him spraying too?

please help me.
welcome to the forum!

what you see is just extra calcium. . .i don't have much information about it, as my buns have never really had a problem with it, but i am sure someone will list a few ideas on how to help get bring the calcuim levels down.

spraying is when a rabbit does a little kick this and shoots pee out while kicking, giving the effect of a shower of urine. . .not to nice. . . i have had rabbits spray my face when my mouth was open. . .:grumpy
Welome to the forum. A great place besides here to learn about rabbit care is HRS-House Rabbit Society.

Yellowish-White in the urine for the most part is normal, white urine can indicate too much calcium in the diet. How old is your bun? What do you feed your bun, brand would help to know too. The color of their urine will vary from thelight yellow to dark yellow, sometimes even orangy, too much orange can indicate a bladder problem. There should never be any red. I wouldn't worry about it, just keep an eye on it and you'll notice how the color will change a little bit from time to time.

Someone will be around shortly to further the info on this matter for you.
thank you.

i prey i never get sprayed on. specially in the face.

now i have one more question.

whats with the scrapping. he does that and than bite's things, and is chewing everything he see's! :?
Could you maybe post a picture of the urine?

Rabbits urine can change colour. Sometimes from a pale yellow to a dark orange/red. A picture would be great to give us a better idea about what this could mean, or if it's just a change in urine colour.
what do you mean by scrapping? is he digging or scratching?

how old is your bun? younger rabbits tend to 'taste' things. . .try a nibble of this and a nibble of that. . .some rabbits simply like to chew on stuff. to help prevent this you can bunny proof the rooms you allow him in and while he is out, bring out some toys that are okay for him to chew on (grass matts, untreated wood- blocks, baskets, trays, ect-, normal bunny toys, hard plastic kids toys, ect).

what kind of rabbit is he?
no he will take his paws and scratch, than bit stuff...

im thinking his teeth might be bothering him.

but i know nothing about rabbits. :?
I strongly suggest that you do a lot of reading on this site and HRS. It will give loads of information that you probably never dreamed you could have just fall into your lap. This will clear up a lot, and you will see that most of what your rabbit does andeliminates is normal. :D

Have fun learning about your new friend! Feel free to keep asking questions too!
how can you tell if he's a male or female?

and what kind of rabbit he is???

someone said mine is a lop????

this is my bun:


while you can never be sure of breed without knowing lineage. . .we can *guess*

he looks like a dutch (that is the breed) the color variety is harlequin(that is what gives the swirls of black and orange).

do you know about what his weight is? (just guessing, you don't need to toss him on a scale)

he is VERY cute!

sexing rabbits can be tricky at first. . .here is the bunny 101 link to sexing:


if you have problems and can&#39;t figure it out, i would try to find a rabbit shelter, breeder, or rabbit savvy vet in your area. they will all be able to help determine the sex of your bun!
Oh my gosh! i have no idea what breed he is,definitely not a lop! but he's LOVELY!!

Oh i am so desperately in love with that harlequin colour!!

thank you....I love his colors; it reminds me of my calico cat. LOL

now i dont see anything on the forums about the scratching?

why do they do this and than bite stuff?
I gave my male, neutered, a grass mat in his cage. He loved to dig out the litter from his litter pan, I thought this would help that. It did, he tore up the grass mat, and before he gets fed in the morning-OMG he goes crazy digging at it. He still digs the litter out, but only right after I change it and then what he digs out, I keep putting right back in the litter pan, after a couple days, he quits digging it out. Problem is, he likes to lay in it too. He&#39;s trying to make a clear space for him to lay down, he&#39;s crazy, but I love him!!!

Rabbits love, I mean love, to dig, chew and burrow. So this is normal. Maybe get a grass mat for him to take out his frustrations on for now, until you can futher figure out his likes and dislikes.

The scratching, I&#39;m thinking you are describing as digging? Real fast w/ front feet?