lucylocket wrote:
Carolyn and Daniele have brougha huge Diverse Lot of Peopletogether . And Together we can Rulethe world . Well maybe not the Worldbut at least this corner of theInternet lol .
Varna Sweety !, There isnt a oneof us here who at some point oranother Has been Crippled because ifInjury or has a cripplingdisease ,Either temporary orPermenent , The Mind doesnt knowboundries even though a Body Might ,the reason i like it here is
IM ACCEPTED BY ALL for having a disability and being in a wheelchair
but there again it was my back that was broKen
Carolyn and Daniele have brougha huge Diverse Lot of Peopletogether . And Together we can Rulethe world . Well maybe not the Worldbut at least this corner of theInternet lol .