Okay. I know a solid amount of the basics about rabbits, including that they do not throw up. Currently I am trying to figure out how to fit my bunny into my already cramped room. Right now I have her in a pet pen, with her jumbo hamster cage in the center of it. My Rabbit is named Boba and she is a dwarf rabbit. I came into my room to start getting ready for bed and feed her some pellets and Timothy Hay. Boba is about six months old. Boba gets a solid amount of fruits and veggies every day along with lots of pellets and hay. So, anyways, when I went to get Boba's food bowl i noticed a giant glob. There is a picture of it attached as well. It looks like she threw up. There are a couple of factors as to what end it came out of and what it is, I have yet to actually examine it but, I will admit it looks like vomit. It also looks like she ate my carpet. So, can someone please tell me what this is, if I should be worried, and what I should do???