I just found out that mounain lions have been spotted near my home

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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southeast texas., Texas, USA
I am now nervous... people have been spotting mountain lions near my homes... I knew there was some hear but now its official... people have gotten pics of them with their cameras on their deer stands... their is at least 2 in the area.. a hunter said one morning you could here them calling to them... Also some one got a pic of a really large bob cat that is almost as big as the deer they caught in pics the same night... hopefullyu they won't come to close to houses...
I've seen one in my area (unbelieveable at first, but it was on the local news - practically in my back yard) and we get the occasional bear as well.

It all makes for exciting times.

We just keep all trash well contained, garage doors closed - pets close by us at all times and stay more than aware of our surroundings...

Hopefully all will stay well and resolve naturally in time.
Girl... you live up the road from me.. they are everywhere. You can hear the females in heat crying out at night. It is totally not uncommon for mountain lions/bobcats and even panthers to be in our neck of the woods.

They sound like women hollering.. it is COMPLETELY unnerving...

But yeah... I would be a tad bit concerned they might eat me as well... but the way me and my husband have been getting along as of late, I might be even more concerned because I think he may be sprinkling steak seasoning in my unmentionables...


i knew thy were in the area but they are to close for comfort.. I don't want anything happening to them i just want them to move on ... I worry about my kids riding there bikes.. I have heard about m.lions in california attacking bikers and hikers

GoinBackToCali wrote:
But yeah... I would be a tad bit concerned they might eat me as well... but the way me and my husband have been getting along as of late, I might be even more concerned because I think he may be sprinkling steak seasoning in my unmentionables...

LOL @ Zin!!!!! :laugh:

I imagine it would be a bit unnerving to live in an area where big cats roam, but at the same time....how cool!!! I've never heard a mountain lion calling out in real life; now that would be pretty awesome. :)
Well first off I have to admit I don't live where mountain lions are, so it's easier for me to say this. We do have coyotes outside of the city; I know some of my friends have been approached by one or two when out walking with their kids, and I know it was scary for them.

I am a wildlife rehabilitator, and we handle about 5,000 calls each year about wildlife questions. Whether it's bear, deer, mountain lions, skunks, there is always questions about children getting hurt.
And of COURSE it's a concern.

That said; I wish there was an answer. But we have encroached upon all wildlife's homes. There really is very little land for them to call theirs, and when they come too close to "ours", it always causes upset and most often results in harm to them.

Of course if there are rogue mountain lions coming up to people, something has to be done. But just because they are there doesn't immediately mean they are going to come and get everybody.
If you look at your city's statistics about children in car accidents daily, I'll bet you lunch for a year that there are many more kids injured in cars every day (or by other people ie: family members or friends) than any mountain lion would cause.

Here is some reading material on the subject. I don't know where you live, but it's good advice no matter where you live.

Here's another, just for the heck of it.

The big thing is to make sure you never leave food (or small animals) outside unattended. And make sure your neighbor's don't either. One of those sites said that people intentionally feed the lions - that is crazy.

Ihope I am not coming across insensitive to your concern; if course it is unnerving, but I just thought some reading material might make you a little more at ease.

Mountian Lions are gorgeous. I will never forget they lovely one that they have at Adirondack Animal Land, back home in Upstate New York. They take in all sorts of lovely animals that can't be returned to the wild.

We have Javalena pigs (sp?) and coyotes right behind my house on the Indian Reservation land (no indians there, of course....just a big open field). We always see the piggies around here...in front of the house and such.
I saw one once on my way from home to school in East Lansing. I take the back roads and I saw large eyes gleaming at me on the side of the road so I slowed down because I thought it might be a deer,..as I came closer I saw a large cat slink away.

I called my dad and he said he had seen reports of farmers in mid-Michigan sighting mountain lions as well.

Keep your pets indoors people :)
Wow i couldn't imagine having an animal like thatbeing so close to my home or even my suburb.

The only animal that you would find wandering around here would be a 'kitty'cat

We get all sorts of crazy stuff next to my house since we live in the boonies of the suburb :pWe've had some bears in our yard, moose and the like. We've seen a few other things around the state (lynx, bald eagles etc)

I don't think we have mountain lions up here though... they are very pretty even if they are deadly.
Well I live in a town..it's becoming a city. Where I used to live (same town, just down the road) there was reports of a mountain lion and bear in a mobile home park's hills. I remember me and my friends rode our bikes to the mobile home park and we were on our way into the woods and someone stopped us and said no one was allowed in there because bear and mountain lion had been spotted. I immediatly freaked out. I was thinking "And they don't do anything about these animals? There's TONS of kids running around this mobile home park" My first thought about dangerous wildlife is "Dang, don't let them come within 200 feet of me!"

Here where we live now, there's skunks, coyotes, HAWKS, and other creatures. I really have to watch my bunnies in the spring/summers when they're outdoors in the cooler evenings, because a hawk frequents our area SO much and they have been known to prey on rabbits, because, well it's one of their main foods!

One time last summer my buck, Magic, got out of his cage and the door tothe rabbitrywas open. When we found out he was gone, the first thing I thougthwas "OMG THE HAWK GOT HIM!" I Started crying so much and we found him....under our trailer. I couldn't let go of him, stop kissing and hugging him for about 10 minutes. And I Just repeatedly told him how much I loved him and how sorry I was for that happening and all. It was a very scary day.

I hear coyotes singing at night sometimes around here.

I'll have to keep all this in mind about hawks once I start getting my outside hutches up.
If say a kid or pet gets killed by a lion, I won't be mad at the lion. I'll be mad at the guardian that let the kid or pet wander around/be outside alone. Of course, I'm not talking about if a lion or coyote attacked a group of people - that's different. I personally respect wild animals' rights to be on "my property," but I know a lot of peope don't. It's sad, IMO, but then, I like animals more than people as a species.
I don't mind wild animals on my property... there is no hunting signs posted on my property... As for my kids wondering around alone i don't encourage it... I can only be with them so many hours of the day as they are older children... they are usually with other people... thank you to the advice from EileenH... it makes me feel better...

I watch my pets really close now after what happened to my three dogs on thanksgiving anyway... I am more afraid of what people will do to them than other animals...

I was in my pool in the house we used to have in Florida (we had one with a screen around it) and I was swimming with a friend. I'm think we were around 12/13ish. Anyway, as we were swimming, we heard a rustlessing, turned around, and saw a panther (aka mountain lion) watching us. Thinking it was probably thirsty and hopefully not hungry, we just stayed very still and tried not to move in the water. He was no more than 10-13 feet from us. I think he got tired of tried to get to the water via the screen, growled and walked away. I remember thinking how cool it's shoulders looked as he slinked away. A definite close encounter.

Then again, most animals in FL can kill you, so I've had many almost deadly experiences!
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Bat, what happened to your dogs on thanksgiving?

2 were poisoned and one completely disappeared... still have not found him...(I beleive the deer hunters that hunt on the next lot over) can't proove who did it...
I grew up on a cattle ranch, bears and cougars were very common. Grandpas only rule was that us younger kids had to stay with on of the older boys as we checked fences or counted cattle. The three older boys were licenced to carry rifles . we were not allowed to shoot ANY animal unless it posed a direct threat to person or livestock. Cougars are an absolutely gorgeous animal in there natural setting. Bears too.

it was one of the highlights of growing up, getting to watch things like a momma bear with two cubs playing in a pond, ( we were way up the hill with binoculars) and the occasional big cat or bobcat.

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