I have to get rid of my 4 netherland dwarf rabbits -CLOSED

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2006
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
im going away to college in chicago, and i haveno one who is willing to take care of my bunnies. unfortunately thatmeans that i cant keep them. so im looking for someone who might beinterested in taking them in. a good home though. 3 of them are 3-4months old and the other one is about 7 months old. i feel horrible forthis but id rather not take them in to the humane society because whoknows who would be adopting them, id be worried theyd either not getadopted or that theyd get someone who wouldnt take good care of them.my email iscrisi1987@sbcglobal.netifyour interested
In advance of the inevitable question, 'Why onearth did you recently get that many bunnies from a pet storeif you were going away to college?', andmessagesabout responsibility (or lack thereof), let's just concentrate ontrying to find these poor little guys a home (a.k.a., help 'get rid ofthem') so they don't end up at a shelter or as snake food.

RO Staff :(:X:?:shock::(
i only had them because my friend found themoutside her house in a box, she tried to find a home for them so i waskeeping them until she could, but we havent had any luck here
Crisi1987 wrote:
i only had them because my friend found them outside herhouse in a box, she tried to find a home for them so i was keeping themuntil she could, but we havent had any luck here
That's not the story in your home thread.

Crisi1987 wrote:
... yea milo and otis are mine. their all mine and myboyfriends. we got milo and otis because brisco was so lonely and wasalways trying to snuggle and groom the other one copper, but she keptregecting him. so we went to the pet store and they were so cute wedidnt want to get one and seperate them because of how close theywere.
Crisi1987 wrote:
This is Brisco, he was too adorable not to get
ill explain what the deal is with it, i hadbought rabbits, well actually i got a rabbit as a present because mycat ran away and someone thought a rabbit would be a nice gift. afterthat my friends kept taking me to pet stores and they bought rabbitsfor me, i never expected them to do so, but they did. i take very goodcare of them and i love them. milo isnt even around anymore which isaid in a different thread. i have over 20 pets in my house right now,all of whom i either have to take to a dorm with me or have a friendtake care of them, which is nearly impossible considering they are allgoing to college out of state also. i cant keep 9 rabbits at once, itsway too much money, i have to pay a car bill, cell phone bill, dormcosts, food, schooling and other things. i didnt want to give up therabbits that i recieved as gifts because ive grown attached to them andi know i can take care of them. but i know that i cant take care of theother ones for much longer. i was just hoping that someone would beable to know where i could take them besides a humane society. i dontfeel that i should have to pay to take them to a humane society when ididnt purchase them to begin with. especially since i dont even havemoney left over for food for myself. as for getting rabbits before iwas going to college, i didnt know i was going to go to college until aweek ago. not that its any of your business in the first place but imonly 19 and i have to figure out how to get money for myself forclothes and food, i cant afford to take care of that many rabbits. icant even afford to feed myself for days to weeks at a time. yet imconstantly buying food and hay and bedding and everything else for therabbits who shouldnt be my responsibility in the first place. if icould find a home for them somehow that would be great.
Your friends, who thought a rabbit would be agood gift for somebody without enough money to feed herself - couldmaybe one of them help you out, no?I guess you won't be acceptinganimals as gifts again?Good luck finding homes for the bunnies
i know, i told them in the first place that ididnt need any more pets. i swear though, most of my friends never hadpets and they live out that experience through me. ive told them overand over again not to buy me any pets. im fine with the ones i got asgifts, but i just seriously cant take care of the ones that were leftat my friends house. my grandma was helping me take care of all theanimals because thats who i lived with.. her and my grandpa. but shedied a little while ago and my grandpa had a stroke not too long ago soive been taking care of him. i thought if anyone could help it would bemy dad who lives on farm land, but i talk to him maybe once a year andwhen i do he would just rather start arguements with me instead ofletting me say something to him. either way ive tried a lot with theserabbits but so far no one is willing to take them in. and im stuck, ijust dont know what to do. im getting really agrivated because i dontknow what is going to happen if i dont find a home for them.
The whole story of how you acquired your rabbitsis on your home thread, but that's not the point (other than as awarning to others to THINK YEARS AHEAD before taking on the care ofpets. Their very lives are in your hands for 10 years ormore).

Please post photos of the little guys (who cooincidentally are the sameage as your own four), what sex they are and any traits you can thinkof.

If anybody does respond to any other queries, you have to do a LOT ofresearch on who the people are, because people looking for feederrabbits (dwarfs are nice sizes for snake food) will promise good homesbut will provide anything but.

And PLEASE keep them separated if they're not already! They'remature enough to reproduce!

(This thread is now all about finding homes, and not about being irresponsible).

RO Staff
how do i even post pictures of them? myboyfriend is the one with the camera, i dont even live with him. wellill try to get pictures next time i see him. but im not good at tellingwhat sex they are, i tried from seeing how to on a website and my guessis that they are all boys except for the white one. their allseperated. im not even sure if they are dwarfs, the white one is prettybig, she/he is 3 times the size of the other ones. and the grey one isWAY smaller than the other ones. i dont know how to tell what they arethough. but ill try the house rabbit society. and no, i really dontbelieve that these ones are my responsibility considering i wasnt theone that purchased them. ive been trying to take care of them reallygood. i give them what they need. by the way, i guess on the ages ofthem because of how small they are, other than that i dont even knowhow old mine are so all the ages i wrote are just guesses.
Crisi1987, bojay has given you good advice.Regardless of whose responibility you feel the rabbits to be, you havea duty to act responsibly towards any living creature who has dependedupon you for care.I appreciate that you are now trying to find homesfor these animals and so getting in touch with the organisationsuggested by bojay would seem to be a productive first step.
Crisi....YOU are responsible forthem!!! YOU went to the Pet Shop with your friends AND, YOUbrought the bunnies home with you!!! You picked themout!!! You were there!!! You had the option of saying, at themoment, "I cannot afford another one" and refuse it! Stopblaming others for a situation that YOU, YOURSELFcreated!! YOU are the one
that applied to the college in Chicago!!! Nobody there "stucktheir hand in a hat" and pulled out your name! You knew youwere going...maybe not to that one, but you knew you weregoing. I doubt that you are going to be allowed to keep 5rabbits in your dorm...what are you going to do with them?Or, because "they were presents" and you "didn't buy them", do youconsider them to be "not your responsibility" either?

So, do the right thing.....call the HRS...if they can't take them, they will have to go to a Humane Society.

no actually im not responsible for the rabbitsthat were left at a house, im not talking about the ones my friends gotme from the petshop, how many times do i need to say this? im talkingabout different ones. and anyways my step sister took 2 of the bunniesto her house and shes taking care of them.
also, you have no idea what happened with me andthat college. i did not apply to that college at all. they go alongwith my old highschool and picked out people who took classes forinterior design and photography and yes they did choose me, not out ofa hat, but yes they chose for me to go to that school. and yea, you cankeep 5 rabbits in the dormatory i already checked that
Im sorry but i think people are a little overreacting here crisi1987 originally posted to find homes for her rabbitsso lets just keep it that way ok? im sure other people would like toread posts without people arguing:)
thanks. and by the way im sorry for argueingwith everyone about this. its just that i dont know really how toexplain whats going on with it for everyone to understand. when i startexplaining it someone gets the wrong impression or thinks im sayingsomething im not and then brings that up.
I'm going to aska cousin in Winnipeg(who met and fell in love with Pipp) to take one or two. Iknow she'd love to have an otter (shewas quitetakenwith pics of Saffy's Felix last year), so Copper may bea good bet, but she might want two (to keep each other company), so ifOtis and Brisco are bonded, might work outbetter.It'sng to depend on their sex,though.If they're both boys, they may not staybonded.

Luckly Bunnies are not sold as snake food anymore in pet shops. It's illegal to feed Pet Rabbits to snakes and isconsidered Animal Cruelity. Too bad those type ofpeople still get away whith it.
Bun~Bun wrote:
Luckly Bunnies are not sold as snake food any more in petshops. It's illegal to feed Pet Rabbits to snakes and is consideredAnimal Cruelity. Too bad those type of people stillget away whith it.
yeah exactly,but its certain kinds of people that you have to watchfor,just a few months ago i took in 4 baby bunnies,they were headed forsnake food grrrrr,a desperate friend found out about it and asked if icould take them,so i did.

you have to watch who you give your bunniesto these days.


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