I HATE my camera....

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LOL at the green alien eyes comment :biggrin2:. I guess that's their form of "red eye." I think cats tend to come out with a funky red eye also.

The photos look good to me. You're going to have problems with red eye regardless of what compact camera you get...I think only the larger cameras where the flash isn't so close to the lens reduce red eye. But the photos still look nice, much better than what my compact camera does with the flash on.

The colors look decent, and if you play with the settings (changing white balance, turning flash off, testing out the macro focus, etc) you might get some pictures that you really like. :)
Well.....here are my thoughts on my new camera.

I mostly like it. I think.

I've taken over 130 pictures with it tonight if I remember right.....and the batteries that came with it - are almost dead. That's a downside...but they weren't rechargable and I got the really good rechargable batteries for it.

I'm having some issues that I need to work on - like the green eyed dog....and there are times when I zoom and it just isn't clear. I've been mainly taking pictures on the "Smart Scene" setting...

But I like the way the camera feels in my hand when I go to use it. I like the controls. I like the fact that the guide to it is small...simple....I can read it and it even makes sense to me. Let me give an example of what I mean....

Aperture - (also known as f-stop) control the size of the lens opening, which determines the depth of field.
Smaller f-stop numbers indicate a larger lens opening; good for portraits and low-light conditions
Larger f-stop numbers indicate a smaller lens opening; keeps the main subject sharp; good for landscapes and well-lit conditions

See - I can understand that. Most camera / photo talk is foreign to me - I might as well be listening to Greek or Russian or Spanish or Klingon - without a translator helping me understand things.

I don't like the fact it takes so long to transfer the picture to the memory on this camera - but - if I understand right -if I drop down to lesser megapixels (would I want to do that??)....then it will take less time to put the picture into memory.

Anyway - that is an update so far.

This weekend I plan to have the fully charged Nikon, Canon & Kodak and take pics of the babies on the bed - all under the same conditions - to see which is better for me...

should be fun!
Pet_Bunny wrote:
You might be disappointed with the close focus as you try to get closer to the bunny shots. Using telephoto will have grainier or noisierpictures as it is not atrue image stabilization with their method of boostinghigher ISO to combat hand shake.

With that price, you get what you pay for, but it might turn out as a gem too. :)
I was just rereading this thread and noticed your comment. This is exactly what I'm disappointed with - the close focus. I love the other pictures and I really love the vividness of the colors.

I'm hoping to do a camera "shoot off today....using both cameras on the same subjects and then seeing what I get...should be interesting.


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