I HATE my camera....

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TinysMom wrote:
I wish I could learn to use my Nikon better (and that it didn't have the delay between pictures) because I have to say I like the way it feels in my hands and if I leave the settings alone...I think it does well.
Try going over the reviews and settings for your Nikon again. Maybe there are some tips that you missed or forgot about your camera. Check the owners manual too.



I just noticed something about your camera batteries. You have the option to use the common 2CR5 batteries. :) Give that a try before investing in the expensive Li-ion battery.
WOOT - I bought a camera.....

From Woot.com even (thanks Zin for calling to let me know they had it).

I can return it if I don't like it....but at this price - I figured it was worth a try..

Kodak EasyShare Z1275 12MP/720p Digital Camera w/5x Optical Zoom $79.99

In the box:
  • Kodak Z1275 12MP Digital Camera
  • 2 AA Batteries
  • USB Cable
  • Wrist Strap
  • Dock Plate
I haven't taken the time to check out reviews and I knew I said I wasn't going to get another EasyShare - but my first one was an EasyShare and I loved it and I was thinking recently how with that camera I always had at least two sets of spare batteries on hand - so it made life so easy!

If I don't like it - I can send it back...

Whhoo, Peg! I hope you like this one better:D!

P.S. Didn't mean toHijack your thread:?.

Pet_Bunny wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
[*]When I set it on no flash, every dang pic I take is "Blurry", ugh! That's what I hate about this camera. Stan, any suggestions on that?
I noticed your pictures are sharper with the flash, but you get the terrible red eyes. ;)
[*]I have one tip, one suggestion, and one question for you.

Tip. When you take a picture, press the release button half way and hold itbriefly before it takes a picture. This will give the camera time to focus properly and get the right settings. Some cameras have a green dot that comes on to show you it is ready to take the picture.

Suggestion. On your camera, set the flash mode to "Anytime Flash" and see if your pictures improve. This feature will flash for all your pictures, but I want to know if it will flash as brightly as it was in Auto mode.

Question. I am not sure what your "gain control" is all about. On your pictures with high gain up, the picture seems washed out and grainy. Is there any way for you to turn it off?
Thanks so much, Stan! I will check out each of these issues and get back to you. Thank you, again! Crystal:)

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Whhoo, Peg! I hope you like this one better:D!

P.S. Didn't mean toHijack your thread:?.
I don't mind hijacked threads.....I tend to do that all the time myself...

I'm wondering what Stan will say about this camera - and if I'll like it.

My first one was an EasyShare and I cried when it died....so in a way - this is like going home...

TinysMom wrote:
Kodak EasyShare Z1275 12MP/720p Digital Camera w/5x Optical Zoom $79.99


That's more Megapixels than my camera. :D

More Megapixels doesn't mean better pictures. You are going to have to prepare to work with larger files and storage space. It will cause the camera to be slower (to record and write files), and you will need a extra set of batteries if you shoot lots of pictures. That problem can be solved with high capacity rechargeable NiMH batteries 2650 maH.

You might be disappointed with the close focus as you try to get closer to the bunny shots. Using telephoto will have grainier or noisierpictures as it is not atrue image stabilization with their method of boostinghigher ISO to combat hand shake.

With that price, you get what you pay for, but it might turn out as a gem too. :)
missyscove wrote:
Does it have a rainbowbridge thread? ;)

With so much technology and new cameras popping up alot of good cameras get tossed aside. There are perfectly good older cameras that takes good pictures, but the market place drives people to want newer and advanced stuff, only to be obsolete in 6 months. ;)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
With that price, you get what you pay for, but it might turn out as a gem too. :)
It retails for around $199.95 - but these are "refurbished" or something like that.

I figured since I can send it back - it is worth a try...

missyscove wrote:
TinysMom wrote:

My first one was an EasyShare and I cried when it died....so in a way - this is like going home...

Does it have a rainbowbridge thread?
Oh man.....it would be funny to start a RB thread for all the cameras we've loved and lost...

I love your sense of humor....
TinysMom wrote:
Oh man.....it would be funny to start a RB thread for all the cameras we've loved and lost...I love your sense of humor....
I've had lots of cameras, some from the 1970's that still works perfectly good and probably take better pictures than these new digital ones. But time stands still for no one and no camera. ;)
TinysMom wrote:
I don't mind hijacked threads.....I tend to do that all the time myself...
Another Hijack... :p


Photographers and cameras keep popping up like weeds... :p
This pictures shows photographers at the Tour Du France (cycling) taking place right now. People with the black lensown Nikon, and the white lens are Canon.
Pet_Bunny wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
I don't mind hijacked threads.....I tend to do that all the time myself...
Another Hijack... :p


Photographers and cameras keep popping up like weeds... :p
This pictures shows photographers at the Tour Du France (cycling) taking place right now. People with the black lensown Nikon, and the white lens are Canon.
I love that pic! It makes me really wish I was able to get out and about enough to go and take pictures of things other than my back garden with my Canon... :(

So, I wonder who's photographing the photographer photographing the photographers?! :p
I am SOOOOO excited. I'm supposed to receive my new camera tomorrow - and today I was in Walmart and played around with their display of it. I really liked the way it felt in my hands - I liked the layout of the controls - it felt easy to use. Now to wait and see how the pictures turn out.

I was so excited though that I bought a Kodak battery charger and longer life batteries and a 4 GB memory card for it.

Let me guess ..... such a huge card is gonna slow it down (with my luck).

I think I just need to send Stan my money and have him pick out my camera for me....


Ok - here are some test photos from the Kodak EasyShare. There are some things I like about it -- other things I don't like...

How the heck did the dog get GREEN eyes like this? She looks like an alien...


I love the "vivid" colors though - and I love how the camera makes her black coat so pretty...

I think I was trying to get a picture of Sasha and she was too close to me...I don't know. I'm not fond of the camera when it deals with browns...

This is what the picture above was cropped from if I remember right...


And here's another one...

Saphira is about 4' away from me (at most) and I'm looking up at her - at an angle. I did have to fix her eyes - they showed up red.

Ok - I cropped this a lot - for personal reasons....like bunny poop, etc. The dogs are about 8-10' away from me...

I cropped this too - I don't remember if I tried to fix her red eyes or not...

This is actually very true to the colors in the painting....

I like the way Juni looks fairly good even though she's black. So often - photos of black bunnies turn out crappy...

Audrey thinks the hay bag has become "serve yourself"....I just couldn't resist the photo... The bag is a bit darker purple than that - but it caught the color really well.

Who could resist that face?

My first few photos were of Miss Bea and I was ready to cry. I was playing with different settings though to see what I thought. Other than the red tint to her eyes - I like this one...sorta.

Heavily cropped, I'm looking down at Splash who is running over to me to see if I have a banana or lettuce for her. She's about 5' from me.....pretty much straight down...

That expectant look...

This picture gave me hope....I am standing inside my house - in the doorway to the rabbitry- looking outside while we have the back door open.

Then I zoomed in closer.

I love the colors here - and they are very true to life to what is outside right now.

Thoughts? Input?

I'm uploading a few more pics and my first video too...
Here is Miss Bea's video....I liked how it turned out when I watched it on my computer (before uploading it to photobucket)...


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