I HATE my camera....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
First of all - I've taken over 4,000 pictures with my camera. It is a Nikon CoolPix 4800 and I paid what felt like mega-bucks for it in Feb/March of 2007 (I think it was $200 which felt like Megabucks). It does 8.3X zoom and has all these different settings...

I've screwed up the settings I don't know how many times - I finally figured out how to set it back to the original ones...I think.

But the thing is - on some of the options I have - I can't see through my screen without tapping on the button (as if to take a picture). I'm not talking about if its been sitting idle too long. It's like I'll take one picture - then the screen goes black until I tap on the button again (or two or three times) to get it to show me what I want to take a picture of. Then it might work great for 3 or 4 pictures - then it goes black again.

I'm not sure if it is worth it to try to fix the camera - or to buy a new one. (BTW - I'm asking Pet Bunny to look at this thread since he KNOWS cameras so well).

But I'm wanting to find out - if I were to buy a new camera....what would y'all recommend?

I can tell you right now I'd prefer to NOT have the Kodak EasyShare. My first one was an Easyshare and I loved it - but it went through batteries (even rechargable ones) like I couldn't believe.

My price range (if I wait till my birthday) might be around $250. I know I can't buy anything super nice for that....but I'd like to find something that works for me.

It doesn't help that I now merchandise Sony cameras and camcorders on a biweekly basis and looking at all those make me want a new camera too.

I guess my questions come down to...

  • With the problems I've described - can the camera be fixed? I've had it almost 18 months so I don't think its under warranty and I'm not sure I have the warranty paperwork handy.
  • Would I be better off buying another camera - and if so - what?
  • Finally - what is the average lifespan of a camera - as far as pictures go? At 4,000 pictures (and videos) - is my camera dying a young death? I suspect so.
By the way - I just fought w/ the camera for half an hour to get the computer to upload pictures off it. Then I realized...the cord was chewed on....or something happened to it. I'll have Art try to fix it (he works in electronics) - but I may just have to get a new cord..

I see your pictures are very nice with the Nikon E4800.


The settings are 1/60 of a second, F2.9,normal Flash, Normal Exposure program, auto white balance, auto sharpening, AF-S focus, and Auto ISO. If you shoot all your pictures with mainly Auto, you shouldn't have any problems in getting a good picture.

The first thing that comesto mind, when you described what is happening, is your battery is low and needs recharging. How many pictures can you take on a full set of batteries? Taking lots of pictures with the flash can drain the batteries quickly. If you use flash, make sure you don't use the red-eye reduction, you don't need it and it just wastes the batteries. And every time you take a picture, give the camera time to recharge the flash before you take another picture. Another battery idea, is try not to use the LCD screen as much. Shooting video with the camera uses up the battery too.
So the simplest way to renew your camera, is getting a second battery, if you think the problem is the battery.
Hmmm...I can't help you out too much because I know virtually nothing about cameras, but I have heard the digital SLR cameras are really nice. Unfortunately, those are in the $500 price range from what I've seen.

I have a Sony Cybershot, and I don't like it. It was around $280. I've had it since 2006 and it has worked perfectly for 8000+ pictures / videos, but I hate this camera. I think it's because it's one of those compact cameras, so there's virtually no zoom and the red eye is horrendous. What amazes (and frustrates) me about the Sony Cybershot is that it takes better video than still pictures...but it's a digital camera meant for stills! And believe me, I've spent a lot of time playing with settings to get the "perfect shot," but the 3 second focus timer when I turn flash off kills me. At least half of the photos I've taken come out unusable because of blur.

So, the only advice I can give is to stay away from compact digital cameras. Maybe the other models of Sony are good, but the Sony Cybershot DSC W50 is pretty awful for photos.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread though, cause I've been looking into finding a better digital camera too! :)

I haven't really been thinking about if the battery is charged or not when this happens - I will have to check.

I finally figured out how to get it back to factory settings this last week or the week before (I think). I don't think I'd had it set back before then.

I will say that yesterday I took 99 photos and videos of the babies....so I'm sure the battery must be somewhat down.

Is it possible for one of these batteries to just get to be "too old" and need to be replaced?

I have to say - now that I've set the camera back to the original settings - I am much happier with the photos. I don't know how to turn off the red eye reduction and I'm scared to try to change ANY setting at all....

I'll charge up the battery tonight and see if I have issues tomorrow with taking pictures, etc

Hopefully this will be as easy as just getting another battery....and maybe I can even learn to use this camera. I've always felt like the camera was smarter than I was/am.

BTW - can you tell all those things from that photo (the speed, etc) - or is that 'cause you know the factory settings??

I have a casio exilim ex-v8 that I love an my mom just got the same one.
My first camera that I bought myself was also a casio exilim. I loved the fact that the battery lasts forever.
I dropped the first one several times and though it still worked, I eventually decided I wanted a new one. This one has 8.1 mega pixels, but what I really like about it is that it has 7x optical zoom. When shopping for a camera, keep in mind that "digital zoom" is really just the camera cropping the image.
I find that this one takes nice pictures and videos too.
I've also dropped this one and it's held up really well.
The brand is somewhat less popular, but I've been really happy with both of them.
I think I paid $299 and my mom just paid $270 for it at Fry's, though I believe it is cheaper some places online.

The rechargable batteries do get tired after a while and don't hold their charge as well. My old camera had rechargable batteries and I had to buy new ones after a few years.
Oh, and my current camera is a Canon S5 IS. I absolutely love it, but if you don't want to mess with the settings, then this probably isn't the camera for you. It has LOTS of different settings. It takes great pictures though. I think it was around $350.
Hopefully, your problem might be sorted by getting a new battery, but if you were to go for a new camera, I can't reccommend Canon highly enough! I almost got the camera that Slavetoabunny has, and I really like it, although I agree maybe too many settings for you, if you want something simple to use. I have a Canon DSLR, the EOS 400D (which is actually a lot easier to use than you'd think) but I also have a Canon Powershot A640 compact, which is really, really easy to use. It has manual modes, so you can change the settings about if you wanted to, but you can also just use the automatic modes. It's 10 megapixels, and the screen at the back folds out and rotates fully, so you can take self-pictures of you and a bunny if you wanted, or pictures round a corner or something lol! I'm not sure if it's still available, but there's other models that are very similar around. It's not tiny like some of the cameras about, but it's small enough to carry in a handbag, and the batteries last FOREVER :)

A really good website to look on is www.dpreview.com It has reviews and info on pretty much every camera around, and sample pictures of most of them, so you can see the kind of image that you're likely to get...

Hope that helps!
I had a similar problem with my first digital camera. It was a pretty nice camera (for the time!) but it just used to go blank after every photo. In the end I just changed it over as it was pretty old anyway.

I love Olympus. I would never go for a Fuji, my friend prided herself on caring for her Fuji digi cam like it was a child, she kept it in a padded case and never ever dropped it. One day it broke, she sent it to Fuji, they said 'You've dropped it'. They wanted £100 to fix it... it cost £120.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
One of the reasons I got the Canon S5 is that I can buy an adapter ring and use my hubby's fancy lenses with it. He has a 1000mm lens that is to die for. Haven't used them yet, but it gives me the option.
My camera has always had the screen go black, it happens when the flash is charging to take the next picture. Not sure if that's what you guys are meaning?
I have a Nikon Coolpix S51. I LOVE it. It is really great. The screen is large and it is very easy to use. It is 8.1 mega pixels.

Some day, when I stop spending all my money on the things for the pets (yeah, right!)...I will buy a "fancy shmancy" camera....will Stan's help...please? Haha :p.

I actually love the picture quality of Mouse_chalk's camera...the pictures always look so crystal clear and lovely.
Whoa!!....now that's what you call a mega lens :shock:....he could probably get a close up pictureof the moon with that thinglol......but wow that is big!


Is he going to take a picture or is he going to fire a cannon ball lol
slavetoabunny wrote:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
slavetoabunny wrote:
He has a 1000mm lens that is to die for.
Do they make a lens that big? Do you look at distant planets? :D
It's actually the 800mm lens with an extender:


When the lens if fully extended it's almost as long as my arm. You really can't use it without a tripod. My husband has taken some amazing pictures with it.
Woah, that lens is 10lbs!!! That's like having one big bunny sat on the end of your camera lol! :p

And thanks Amy! I'm only just learning to use my camera, so my pictures are improving... slowly! :)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
slavetoabunny wrote:
It's actually the 800mm lens with an extender:
Woah, that lens is 10lbs!!! That's like having one big bunny sat on the end of your camera lol! :p
And it only costs $13,000 ;)

Peg, are you still having problems with your camera?
Well, that is not the exact one, lol. I bought my husband's about 5 years ago. It was the only picture I could find. His cost about $2,000 and the extender was another $400.
Pet_Bunny wrote:
And it only costs $13,000 ;)

Peg, are you still having problems with your camera?
Yes - I'm still having fits. As I shared with you privately - Art fixed the USB cord...but it won't work. The one he bought (not knowing the exact size I needed - it had several choices) - doesn't work either....but he tossed the packaging before trying it so I wouldn't take it back once I found out how much it was (he's like that - 'cause I am....cheap).

So now I face....buying a new battery (which I understand can run around $50) plus a new cord (another $20 maybe??)....for a camera that frustrates me.

I tried charging the battery and then taking pics. The screen still blacks out on me so I can't see what I'm taking - and it never used to do this. I might be able to take 2-3 pictures and then it blacks out for the next 10-15 and then suddenly - it is back again for another dozen pictures - then it goes off again.

Its frustrating - I missed out on a really cool shot the other day....by the time I had the screen up and running - the bunny had moved.

Oh - and to my knowledge - I don't know how to turn the screen off (I'm sure there is a way) but because of the settings I have it on - even if I press the button to take a picture with the screen off...it doesn't take it...it pauses while it turns the screen back on.

Art is seriously pushing for me to get a new camera (it helps he just got his vacation pay for the 72 hours of vacation he didn't take last year).

My only stores in town that carry cameras are Walmart....so its that - or the internet.

I'm just so THRILLED about having to pick out another camera....NOT.

I have to say - I like what this one does now that I put it back on the factory settings - BUT - it is too much camera for me...I think.

The worst part is - I'm coming up on some projects for work where I'll need it for my job....so either I put money into this camera ... or money into another camera.

Stan and others - any good suggestions for a camera-challenged gal? I've been reading what everyone suggests....

The only thing I know is....I don't want another EasyShare 'cause of the battery drainage - I always had a low battery about the time when I wanted to get a really good shot.

Oh - and to my knowledge - I've never dropped this camera or done anything where it could've been damaged internally.

I'm just frustrated!!!!!

TinysMom wrote:
Stan and others - any good suggestions for a camera-challenged gal?
Here is a link that you can start with. Some people disagree with him but he has some good suggestions. Just try and figure out what kinds of pictures you want to take,does it do video, and think 1 or2 years ahead if you are still happy with the camera.
