I hate cell phone companies!

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kherrmann3 wrote:
I'm the seat-belt Nazi of my family. Every time I get in the car with someone, I check to see if their belt is on, and if not, I remind them.
In Florida, if your passengers aren't wearing a seat belt YOU get the ticket.

I was really mad a couple years ago, some girl pulled out in front of me and I hit her. My front bumper, passenger side, went right into her drivers' side tire. Totally her fault, she just decided to go. Neither she nor her passenger were wearing their seat belts, but Jason *rolled down his window and told them to put their seat belts on before the cops got there.* Ugh. I was SO angry with him! She did get the ticket, and her insurance (well, her daddy's insurance) paid to fix my car, but it was SUCH a hassle. My car has one of those fuel safety cut-off things, so even though it was just a little fender bender my car wouldn't start and I had to have it towed (this was Saturday night) to the dealership so they could reset it (Monday), and I had to pay out of pocket for that and wait for reimbursement. Then it took a week to get the front fender replaced.

I really wished she'd gotten that extra ticket for not having seat belts on.
Sorry to skip back to cell phones, but do you not have simcards there? Where you just take out your simcard and stick it in a new phone and you keep the same number?

I spend $16 on texts and calls a month, $6 is "bestmate" and you choose someone who can call text, call and videocall as often as you like for that month for $6, then the $10 is for "txt2000" where you have 200- texts to send to anyone on the same network as you. As everyone I know is vodafone it works out well.
AT&T has sim cards, but I'm not sure if they have the personal cell phone number or not. I know if you save them to your sim card, you can transfer your phone book that way.
I've found them pretty much useless, myself. To get the lowest price on a new phone, you have to sign a 2-year contract. (For the contract services.) Each time I've gotten a new phone after the 2 years is up, they tell me the sim card is out of date and I need a new one to be compatible with the new phone. (There's no charge for the new one.)

I really don't know how they can get away with charging so much per month for a phone! I just don't get it. It probably has something to do with the "supply and demand" thing, but who knows. I mean, it's like $90+ dollars for some plans! How!? Get a land line, it's cheaper!
I am very displeased with Verizon at the moment.

I have had a cell phone account with them for several years now. I have upgraded my own phone like 3 times and the kids' twice now.

I pay a fortune each month for them and me and unlimited txt messaging and such.

I was going to upgrade Lexi's phonefor Christmassince it's something she wanted at her birthday but didn't get it. I probably still will but I am very angry so I can't right now.

I went online to order the phone and they no longer add the phone to your bill - you have to pay it online with a credit card. That's fine but it's rude.... I'm a good customer and I feel it's a slap in my face that they changed this for people who have been with them and good customers for so long. They used to do the instant rebate on the bill also and now you have to go through the whole deal of getting that back.

That's $120 I didn't plan for this month. Jerks!
I don't get the rebate thing, either. I thought they used to have the instant rebates through most carriers, but T-Mobile didn't have that anymore, either. I wonder if they are trying to make more money? If the customer has to do "extra" work to get their money back, and being Americans (no offense), they might not bother with sending in the rebate. If there were enough lazy people out there, they could save a good amount of money that way.

Being that I'm poor, I had to get the cheapest phone they had (think of the "insurance" glasses at the optometrist's office). It was $20 and came with a ringtone that has frog ribbits :D
I hate AT&T's rebates. I never feel comfortable sending it in right away, since you have to send in all the barcodes and stuff from the box, and then you can't return the phone if it's messed up. I always end up waiting until the last minutes. Then, they don't even send a check you can put back in your bank account, it's a visa card so you have to spend it.

I don't understand how people can afford those insane phone plans. There are some people, I know they only make like $8/hour, and they've got super-fancy phones with all the added features you can buy. Their phone bill's gotta be insane! I don't know how you can justify that.
I saw my downstairs neighbor in the hall last weekend, messing with her iPhone. I thought to myself, it must be nice to be rich. 'Cause she's got 2 kids to support. I have no kids, and I can't afford that cell phone plan!
kherrmann3 wrote:
I'm the seat-belt Nazi of my family. Every time I get in the car with someone, I check to see if their belt is on, and if not, I remind them. If I'm driving, I won't even put the car into "drive" until everyone is buckled up. Sure, I get a lot of sighs/moans about it, but if we get in an accident, I don't want that on my conscience. Will's best friend from high school died in a car accident this March. He hit a tree head-on going 45+ mph and wasn't wearing a seat belt. I don't know if he would have made it if it was on, but I like to think so. I don't know why people don't wear them. It really can boost your chances for survival :p

We really went off topic, eh? lol

Lol, ditto! if my bf is in my car, I won't even turn it on until he puts the darn thing on. :p
Lol, no kidding! Think they're indistructable. I hear this changes once they become parents, but that could be just wishful thinking on my part. I especially love the "too manly to ask for help" trait. :rollseyes haha.
... or the "I'm a guy, I don't need your advice/opinion!" thing. That's normally shouted or at least spoken in their guy-speak in an elevated volume :p That phrase can be used when dealing with automotive issues, woodworking, fixing drywall, lifting a heavy/oddly shaped object, fitting said object through a doorway, talking to one's parents, dieting, working out, making a fire, putting out a fire... The list goes on and on lol
I am the seatbelt nazi here too.

Infact, my kids freak if they dont' have theirs on and I start to move the car..... it's been drilled into them since birth!

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