Our roommate is disgusting with his phone usage. I don't know how he affords it. He has some ungodly amount of minutes/month, unlimited texts, free nights/weekends, etc., but it costs him about $117 A MONTH for his phone. That is just HIS phone! I think that's disgusting...
My old plan had 200 minutes. I rarely went over that, and I had more friends. I think he needs all those minutes 'cause he sits in his room and plays computer games (despite being 25, almost 26). He doesn't go out that often. I almost want to start a thread about how much he annoys me, but I know I would offend people lol
Personally, I hate people who have their cell phone fused to their ear. It's obnoxious. If someone cuts you off in traffic here, they give you the finger with one hand, and the other is holding up the cell phone! What are you using to drive?! Please, don't answer that. I just hope it's their knee... I think technology will be the death of all mankind. Hooray technology apocalypse! w007!