I hate cell phone companies!

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Do you guys have non contract phones? I don't think I could afford a phone if I lived in America lol I'm on Telecom and pay $10NZ so $5.14US a month for 2000 txts and 5c a txt after that but i'm to stingy so I only top up once lol. I can't take calls anyway coz the bit on the phone you talk into doesn't work:(
I have a contract with my phone.. it's 2 yrs with a free upgrade upon sign up. I get free long distance, free roaming (state to state) and free nights and weekends. But I pay $45 for 600 minutes.. no text since I never text. I got this plan because I needed the free long distance. But I don't talk on my cell a ton so it works out ok for now.
I think we pay $95/month for ours. That's total for 2 lines, 400 shared daytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends, free roaming/long distance, and 250 texts each. Also, we've got the rollover minutes. Neither of us talks a *whole* lot, so we've got lots of extra minutes if we ever need them.
I'm on a 2 year contract, I get 400 minutes and unlimited texts, plus a nice phone, for £15 a month. Also get free calls to my 'magic numbers' which have to be on Orange too. Pretty good deal.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Our roommate is disgusting with his phone usage. I don't know how he affords it. He has some ungodly amount of minutes/month, unlimited texts, free nights/weekends, etc., but it costs him about $117 A MONTH for his phone. That is just HIS phone! I think that's disgusting...

My old plan had 200 minutes. I rarely went over that, and I had more friends. I think he needs all those minutes 'cause he sits in his room and plays computer games (despite being 25, almost 26). He doesn't go out that often. I almost want to start a thread about how much he annoys me, but I know I would offend people lol

Personally, I hate people who have their cell phone fused to their ear. It's obnoxious. If someone cuts you off in traffic here, they give you the finger with one hand, and the other is holding up the cell phone! What are you using to drive?! Please, don't answer that. I just hope it's their knee... I think technology will be the death of all mankind. Hooray technology apocalypse! w007!
kherrmann3 wrote:
Personally, I hate people who have their cell phone fused to their ear. It's obnoxious. If someone cuts you off in traffic here, they give you the finger with one hand, and the other is holding up the cell phone! What are you using to drive?! Please, don't answer that. I just hope it's their knee... I think technology will be the death of all mankind. Hooray technology apocalypse! w007!
Is it not illegal? Over here you can get 3 points on your license (and you only need 6 points to get banned)

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
It depends on the state you are in over here. I believe it is illegal in Michigan, but not in Wisconsin. People do it all the time. What I think is obnoxious, are those people with the little ear-piece (BlueTooth). They always look like they are talking to themselves. My mum works at a bread factory in the store, and she says it is hilarious when people are wearing those in the store. They look like they are having a conversation with bread. :p
In Kansas, it depends on the city you live in, if you can legally use the phone while driving. I think where I live, it's still legal, but if you have an accident while on your phone you're in more trouble. (So why not make it illegal??) I had a friend who got hit by a girl in an SUV while he was on his motorcycle, if he hadn't been wearing his helmet that day he would have died. The cops almost sided with the girl, who was acting all hysterical about it, until a witness in another car said she was on her cell phone at the time she hit him. It will be a loooooong time until she will be able to afford to get car insurance again, ha ha!!!!

I think it's one of those American things where people think they have the "right" to do something even though it endangers others. I know a lot of people who think only they can judge if they are able to drive and use a cell phone at the same time, no matter how many statistics are told to them. (Funny, those are the people who think they are the only ones who are "capable" of doing it.) In Kansas, it's the more progressive places that are banning it.

One time I started talking to someone (a complete stranger) because I thought they were talking to me, but it turned out they were on their bluetooth thingy. Luckily, my work doesn't allow them. Sometimes girls try to hide them with long hair, but they're always given away by the fact that they look like they're talking to themselves like crazy people!
I have a bluetooth earpiece, but only use it if I take a call while driving. It's a lot safer keeping two hands on the wheel.

My husband and I are on AT&T. His plan is $79/mo. and mine is $39/mo. We've been pretty happy with them. I just signed a new 2 year contract because I wanted a new phone. I got an LG Shine and just love it.
OOOOOOO!!! I have the LG Shine too!! I love it. I used to not like the slider phones but then I saw this one and fell in love! It's so shiny and pretty!
I like the Shine because it is so easy to open with one hand - like when you're driving. My old phone needed two hands to open it. The camera is awesome too - the screen is so big!
Another thing that I don't like about cell phones is how people talk on them. They act like they are in their own bubble once the phone is up to their ear. I have heard many gross or uncomfortable conversations while waiting in line at the grocery store. People tend to talk really loud while on a cell phone, too.

It makes it really hard to shop for meat or produce when there is a 16-year old girl on a phone next to you going, "OMG! You didn't! You slept with so-and-so?! Well, is it a rash or just dry skin?!"

Yes, I have heard this EXACT conversation going on while I was shopping. Eww.
Oh lord, you poor thing! I know they always seem to turn the volume of their voice up 10 fold to! You don't even want to know what I've heard in canteen lines and whilst on the bus!:shock:
I was on a bus to Michigan from Wisconsin to go see Will (before he moved to Wisconsin) and there was this lady on the bus who was talking SO LOUD about how her sister just got her house searched by the police. I guess her sister was a crack dealer or something. This went on for about twenty minutes (with other people on the bus telling her loudly to shut up). It was nighttime, so there isn't much to look at on the bus, but all you can hear is this hick southern voice coming from the back of the bus. She's just jawing away on the phone, telling whoever that her sister was placed in handcuffs, etc. Finally, the bus driver pulled the bus over on I-94, stood up, walked to the back of the bus, grabbed the phone, and shut it. Arguing (and amusement for the other people on the bus) soon followed. She was thrown off the bus at the next stop. It was great.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Our roommate is disgusting with his phone usage. I don't know how he affords it. He has some ungodly amount of minutes/month, unlimited texts, free nights/weekends, etc., but it costs him about $117 A MONTH for his phone. That is just HIS phone! I think that's disgusting...

My old plan had 200 minutes. I rarely went over that, and I had more friends. I think he needs all those minutes 'cause he sits in his room and plays computer games (despite being 25, almost 26). He doesn't go out that often. I almost want to start a thread about how much he annoys me, but I know I would offend people lol

Personally, I hate people who have their cell phone fused to their ear. It's obnoxious. If someone cuts you off in traffic here, they give you the finger with one hand, and the other is holding up the cell phone! What are you using to drive?! Please, don't answer that. I just hope it's their knee... I think technology will be the death of all mankind. Hooray technology apocalypse! w007!

Here in Oregon and Washington it is now illegal to drive and talk on the cell phone unless you have a hands-free ear piece. You get a massive fine if you're caught doing it. :? Same with seat belts, my bf was being stupid and got caught without a seat-belt on.. had to pay $100 fine.

kherrmann3 wrote:
Another thing that I don't like about cell phones is how people talk on them. They act like they are in their own bubble once the phone is up to their ear. I have heard many gross or uncomfortable conversations while waiting in line at the grocery store. People tend to talk really loud while on a cell phone, too.

It makes it really hard to shop for meat or produce when there is a 16-year old girl on a phone next to you going, "OMG! You didn't! You slept with so-and-so?! Well, is it a rash or just dry skin?!"

Yes, I have heard this EXACT conversation going on while I was shopping. Eww.

LOL!! Yeah this drives me up the wall, too. Now if someone has some totally inappropriate conversation around me on the phone and they're being very loud, I just laugh really hard. They don't seem to like that very much, haha, but maybe it'll help them be more considerate. :p I don't know how people talk about such personal things in public like that! I never could!
Raspberry82 wrote:
Same with seat belts, my bf was being stupid and got caught without a seat-belt on.. had to pay $100 fine.
We have the "click-it or ticket" law here, too. I don't know if they can pull you over for not having it on, but if you're pulled over and don't have your seat belt on, then you get the ticket. I don't know how much our seat belt tickets are here, though.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Raspberry82 wrote:
Same with seat belts, my bf was being stupid and got caught without a seat-belt on.. had to pay $100 fine.
We have the "click-it or ticket" law here, too. I don't know if they can pull you over for not having it on, but if you're pulled over and don't have your seat belt on, then you get the ticket. I don't know how much our seat belt tickets are here, though.
In Florida it used to be that they only ticketed you for seat belt violations if they pulled you over for something else. Now they can pull you over for the seat belt only.
I personally like that it may encourage my (stubborn) boyfriend to wear his seatbelt.. he on the other hand thinks it is bs that insurance companies are getting police to force drivers to wear them in their own cars. I never considered the insurance companies being the ones to push for this via ticketing. *shrug* If you get a 2nd ticket, the fine goes up I believe. He was pulled over only for not wearing a seatbelt.
I'm the seat-belt Nazi of my family. Every time I get in the car with someone, I check to see if their belt is on, and if not, I remind them. If I'm driving, I won't even put the car into "drive" until everyone is buckled up. Sure, I get a lot of sighs/moans about it, but if we get in an accident, I don't want that on my conscience. Will's best friend from high school died in a car accident this March. He hit a tree head-on going 45+ mph and wasn't wearing a seat belt. I don't know if he would have made it if it was on, but I like to think so. I don't know why people don't wear them. It really can boost your chances for survival :p

We really went off topic, eh? lol

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