I getting a rabbit with one ear

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Kricket wrote:
samandshawn wrote:
I don't want to sound funnybutI don't see how two children can breed rabbitssuccessfully? Have you got a parent that breeds and youhelp?

I think that 4-H is largely made up of young adults. I believe that is one of the catageories.

4-H is for youth ages 8-19. Many youngchildren have breeding projects where they learn about record keeping,showing, nutrition, genetics, diseases, care, responsibility,citizenship and leadership.

I was a 4-H advisor when I lived in Ohio. I had 50 youth inmy club, and we always had a lot of fun as well as learning aboutrabbits.

My son is 6 and already is showing, breeding and competing in rabbit knowledge and handling (showmanship) competitions.

I've been in 4-H Since I could walk, I'm 16now. One of my best friends who is 14 has bred herselfseveral BIS Mini Rex. When I was very little my uncle got meinvolved with showing and taught me the basics. Everything else Ibasically taught myself or learned from someone else. I've had buns for14 years. I also recived top honors in showmanship at one of our 4-hfairs, which was pretty cool. But I have basically dedicated my life torabbits and horses. I do a show every weekend, and then study/practicethe standard book/showmanship during the week.
Kricket wrote:
samandshawn wrote:
I don't want to sound funnybutI don't see how two children can breed rabbitssuccessfully? Have you got a parent that breeds and youhelp?

I think that 4-H is largely made up of young adults. I believe that is one of the catageories.
Oh I see, haven't heard of 4-H until now, is it a American council or worldwide.
samandshawn wrote:

Oh I see, haven't heard of 4-H until now, is it a American council or worldwide.

Just US, although they are involved in International Farm Youth Exchange and travel to different countries.


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