Well-Known Member
So, I don't think I've talked about this here, but I've been struggling to get Oreo to eat hay. For a while, I have used meadow hay, but she suddenly started eating less hay. This was right before an annual vet visit, so I talked to the vet about it then. The vet didn't find anything wrong with Oreo, so he told me just to try different hays and see if she would start eating more hay. He also recommended that I also decrease the pellet amount, to see if that worked. After trying so many different hay brands and types, I wanted to give up trying with hay. I would add herbs and even pellets to the hay, but all she did was dig, and just eat the pellets or herbs. Just as I was ready to give up and say she doesn't like hay that much, we tried feeding her Oxbow western timothy hay + orchard hay blends, and just started eating hay like there is no tomorrow. So, I just wanted to share that little update! I hope all of your bunnies are well!