I felt so bad for this poor bunnie :*(

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JimD wrote:
She's home!!

We need pictures...

We need a bunnycam...

We need....well....we need to know that you're happy about this (I'm sure you are) and that she's adjusting well to your home.

I guess the pictures and bunnycam CAN wait....for a little bit.
To Stan:
Thanks for the congrats!
And, yes, she'll be keeping her name. "Gracie" fits her perfectly!

To Peg:
I'm VERY happy about this!!!
The bunnycam might not be a doable, but pics will be upcoming as soon as she's settled in.....which she seems to be doing.

To Maria:
Thank you... and thanks for your support in helping me make this decision.

You know - I've been thinking about how bad I feel about this poor bunny....

Adopted by Jim.....going to live in a place where she'll be spoiled rotten....getting treats....playtime....affection....vet care if need be.

My goodness...how will she ever survive such a HORRID experience?


Jim - you know I love you - and you're an awesome bunny parent. Right? I just know she's going to bring joy to your heart - as you'll bring joy to hers...

I just had to mess with you about feeling so bad for her...
Yay! Congrats! I'm so glad you brought Gracie home :D I would have had a hard time resisting too!
Due topopular demand, here's some pics of the "Amazing Gracie".... :biggrin:









TinysMom wrote:
So what is her personality like?

Give her nose rubs from us....

She's very gentle and sweet.
She's curious and loves to explore.

She's litter trained, and has been eating/drinking/pooping/peeing as a normal bunnie should!

She let me pick her up and cuddle her lastnight, but nipped me several times afterwards to let me know she wasn't all that approving...just yet anyways.

She really loves attention....and we'll pass on the requested noserubs.

All in all ..... she's settling in nicely and we love to bits!!
She nipped you? Maybe she was trying to tell you NOT to stop cuddling her :biggrin2:

She is beautiful, I love her markings :hearts

Glad to hear she is doing well :)
Congratulations JimD. Gracie is BEAUTIFUL. She's one lucky Bunny.

Exactly what do you call her colour besides gorgeous.

Looking forward to more pictures.


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