Well-Known Member
I had to put my little boy to sleep on Tuesdaymorning. I got home on Monday night and he had severe head tilt and hiseyes were rolling. I called the emergency vet and the *******s didn'tanswer - I was calling them none-stop for over two hours and didn't geta response!! He ended up at a none-rabbit specialist (the emergencyvets do have a small animal specialist), who tried treating him as acat; I had to tell the guy that Dandy was in pain because he wasgrinding his teeth - the vet didn't believe me, he told me that they'make a horrible noise when they're in pain'. I practically had toforce him to give him an injection for the pain.
I sat up all night nursing him and cuddling him, giving him aspirindiluted in water every two hours to try and thin his blood and get ridof the clot on his brain. He just got worse and worse though, and inthe morning he couldn't even sit up - he was just lying on his side andoccasionally struggling, going around in circles, grinding his teethand whimpering in pain. It was so terribly sad to watch, and evenharder to make the decision that it was the end, but it was for thebest for my little boy. Watching him suffer was harder than knowingthat he would be at peace. It's just so shocking how quickly ithappened - when I left in the morning he was a little quieter thanusual but nothing to make me think anything was wrong - and then alittle over 24 hours later, he was no longer with me.
Poor little Burdock (the guinea pig) is lost - he keeps wanderingaround calling and looking for Dandy. I tried to introduce him to mygirls, but Thistle kept going for him while the others were fine. I'mgoing to have to see if I can get them to be happy together slowly,otherwise poor Piggles is going to need a new home
So here's to my Duke Dandelion, a beautiful, cheeky, fun rabbit who wasalways there to greet me when I woke up and who loved waking me up inthe middle of the night by opening my bedroom door! He was alwaystrying to get into my bedroom, the cheeky little monkey. I miss himloads, but I know he's in a better place where there's loads of goodstuff to eat and lots of bedrooms to explore! I'm very glad that hemanaged to have a few good months of life with me instead of living inthe conditions that I found him in.
I love you, Dandykins.
I sat up all night nursing him and cuddling him, giving him aspirindiluted in water every two hours to try and thin his blood and get ridof the clot on his brain. He just got worse and worse though, and inthe morning he couldn't even sit up - he was just lying on his side andoccasionally struggling, going around in circles, grinding his teethand whimpering in pain. It was so terribly sad to watch, and evenharder to make the decision that it was the end, but it was for thebest for my little boy. Watching him suffer was harder than knowingthat he would be at peace. It's just so shocking how quickly ithappened - when I left in the morning he was a little quieter thanusual but nothing to make me think anything was wrong - and then alittle over 24 hours later, he was no longer with me.
Poor little Burdock (the guinea pig) is lost - he keeps wanderingaround calling and looking for Dandy. I tried to introduce him to mygirls, but Thistle kept going for him while the others were fine. I'mgoing to have to see if I can get them to be happy together slowly,otherwise poor Piggles is going to need a new home
So here's to my Duke Dandelion, a beautiful, cheeky, fun rabbit who wasalways there to greet me when I woke up and who loved waking me up inthe middle of the night by opening my bedroom door! He was alwaystrying to get into my bedroom, the cheeky little monkey. I miss himloads, but I know he's in a better place where there's loads of goodstuff to eat and lots of bedrooms to explore! I'm very glad that hemanaged to have a few good months of life with me instead of living inthe conditions that I found him in.
I love you, Dandykins.