I broke down and bought a rabbit a petshop last night

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You're welcome! That's a great name...how sweet...:)

ilovetegocalderon wrote:
Thanks Maherwoman!!

Actually Rice is a girl (so is Beans) and the name I thought of for the new bunny is Marshmellow, Marshy for short. :D
petkeeper wrote:
I think you should name her Salsa!! How are thepoops now? you will probably have a problem for a littlewhile til she gets used to the good life!! I would havegotten her too...poor thing...I can't believe they kept her for a yearthat is amazing for a petstore. Ususally they will mark themdown for a quick sale.

Congratulations, hope all works out well with her.


Hmm, salsa.....i may just have to make a little switcheroo on thename. i like salsa, lemme think about thatone. as far as her poops, good lord they stink and are stillmushy, yuck!! but if you're saying it will eventually getbetter, then ill just keep my fingers crossed!!

oh, and here's some positive news - last night, when i had her on mybed, she did a couple of half little binkies. i dont thinkshe can do a full one even if she tried because she is sooverweight. right now i am feeding her hay and very littlepellets and of course water. this weekend i am going to makesure she is out of hte cage for most of the time so she can run aroundand lose some of that fat!! anything else i should be doingfor the weight problem??
I think you're onthe right path. I should try to find some photos of Peanut just afterwe adopted her. She was a barrel on legs :D We limited her pelletintake, gave her lots of hay and lots of playtime. She looksgreat now, though she will always be prone to weight problems,I'm afraid. So we can never free feed her. Just something to keep inmind...

Marshy/Salsa sounds a lot like Peanut when we first brought her home.And it sounds like you must be doing something right to be gettingbinkies. I'm so happy you were able to rescue her :bunnydance:

I had the same problem with Loki. He was a butterball, andhis last owners must not have let him play at all. Hismuscles were atrophied to the point where he couldn't hold his backlegs straight when he hopped. I fed him timothy pellets(actually quite a bit- 1/2 a cup per day) and grass hay and startedintroducing veggies after the first week. I didn't actuallyhave to "diet" him at all, just give him decent normal food and lots ofexercise and he fixed himself. He wanted to exercise, and heliked toys.

So keep doing what you're doing. You don't want her to looseweight too quickly anyway. It's as unhealthy for rabbits asit is for humans.
naturestee wrote:
So keep doing what you're doing. You don't want her to looseweight too quickly anyway. It's as unhealthy for rabbits asit is for humans.

Oh good point. I didn't think about that. Maybe I should begiving her a little bit more. I think I was just so anxiousto see her drop the pounds that I reduced a little too much.But maybe instead of getting her more pellets i'll give her someveggies, just a little cuz those poops are horrid.
When I had poop problems I researched...and wellI cut Harley back to just timothy hay for a few days...until his poopwas solid again then I slowly started adding veggies back, one kind ata time so I knew what made his poop bad...that way I would know what toavoid for a while. If she is over weight it is going to be alot harder for her to clean away her night poops herself.

Hope this helps.

petkeeper wrote:
When I had poop problems I researched...and well I cutHarley back to just timothy hay for a few days...until his poop wassolid again then I slowly started adding veggies back, one kind at atime so I knew what made his poop bad...that way I would know what toavoid for a while. If she is over weight it is going to be alot harder for her to clean away her night poops herself.

Hope this helps.

yes thank you. that's a good idea, just timothy hay forawhile. not only would it help her poops, but also the weightproblem....
It sounds like things are progressing well, andgoing better already! How is she reacting to you?Any better?

:) I'm sure regardless of how she acts, she's more than happy to be in someone's home now. :bunnydance:
So today i tried to have a bonding session withRice and Marshy on my bed. I had a pair of glovesand a water bottle. I put them both on and Rice atfirst kept trying to attack Marshy. So I would spray her andshe would back off. Then finally i saw rice approach withoutany aggression so i didnt spray. Marshy started grooming herand rice chilled for about 15 seconds. Then out of no where,attacked!!! why would she attack while beinggroomed????? I don't understand. Marshy never showsany aggression and seems to really want to be friends withRice. I am at a lost as to why Rice attacked her while beingGroomed of all things?! can anyone explain?
Maybe you could try putting their cages side byside for a few weeks, before starting the bonding sessions. That waythey could get used to each other through the bars, without being ableto fight. MaybethenRice will be more tolerant ofthe new bunny when they are introduced outsidetheir cages.

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