Well-Known Member
So I went to the pet store last night (not theone referenced in my other post Horror at Pet Store - a differentone). I bought some hay and the usual that I needed and thenI look over and see this rabbit in a cage all by itself looking so sadand lonely. I inquire about it, not intending to buy, justcurious. They tell me that she has been there for almost ayear. Shes my rabbit Ricessister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember Rice was in a cage withanother rabbit when I got her. Well, its the samerabbit!!!! She was really fat and didnt have any toys, theusual pet store scenario. I held her and petted her for awhile and fell in love with her. So, um, I boughther. I told the store owner that if she didnt get along withRice (who Ive been wanting to have a friend since her and Beans dontget along) within 2 weeks, I would have to return her. Theyagreed. I took her home, set up a nice big cage for her withwater, pellets, hay (which she never had) and a little bit of romaine(which she never had), along with some chew toys. She seemedto have a blast in the cage throwing everything around. Icould tell she had never played before. So I wascontent. Then I took her out to play a little and noticed,she had mushy poop!!! Do you think this is from the hay and/or romainewhich she never had before??? Im so paranoid now.Also, any other advice on what to do? By the way,Rice and Beans are super jealous and have never begged for pets to theextent they did last night. It was actually kind offlattering.