hurting rabbit

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Hi, I'm sorry that happened to you!

I personally don't like to use any shavings. Cedar is a bad one to use,however I have known quite a few people that used pine and did not haveany ill effects.

I use vinegar all the time to clean with, it is very safe and is goodon carpet stains! I'm not sure where anyone heard using that is bad!

As for the behavior, sounds just like they are getting those hormonesin. A lot of rabbits can go through "terrible teens". Some get betteronce being fixed, some don't. And some seem to "grow" out of thebehavior as they get beyond their "teen" period.

Are they two males living together? If so you will need to separatethem soon, the sooner the better at this point. Two unneutered maleswill almost always fight once those hormones kick in, and they canreally hurt eachother. Once they are both neutered and the hormones aregone, rebonding them can be tried.

Good luck, and don't ever feel like you can't ask questions! We all continue to have questions!
Oh Man!! didnt realise that even if they arealready bonded you need to separate them!! The pet store told me thatthey are 2 males but I agree with you that they could be wrong.

I am trying to find a good vet in Glasgow that has a lot of experiencein rabbits. I am struggling with that. I dont want to take them tosomeone who doesnt really know what to do :D
Hey there again! :)

Ok, so I read that reply you got at the other forum...howhorrible! I'm so sorry that someone that didn't know whatthey were talking about in general was so rude in their reply to atotally innocuous post that you did. All you were doing isasking for advice about your bun's hutch (which was good, so you canlearn about what you should and shouldn't do), and there's absolutellynothing wrong with asking and learning that you've made a mistake aboutthe bedding. It really didn't call for her saying you shouldreconsider rabbits as pets. You are a new pet petowners almost usually will make simple mistakes like that, ESPECIALLYif their pet store told them to do that particular thing.

Don't worry, Hun...your question was not stupid or naive...the personthat answered you that way was just rude. You won't getanswers or replies like that here. The moderators for thissite are very careful about people being rude.

You are a wonderful bunny owner, if only because you care enough to askthese questions! Don't listen to one moment to what thatperson told you. And don't ever worry about asking us loadsof questions! We expect it from new bunny owners! :D

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that. You're loved here...:)

And I can guarantee you that your little buns are doing a Happy BunnyDance because you're here and care so much as to ask so many questionsto be sure they are having the best life possible!:bunnydance::bunnydance:
I've noticed that people on some of the other forums can get pretty self-righteous about rabbits. I like this one!
yeah ive only found two really friendlyforums..of course this is one of them... and im on another one thatspretty friendly...this ones definately my favorite:D

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