Well-Known Member
Hey guys...
My SweetPea feels quite skinny to me. Her backbone is quite prominent, I can feel her ribs (individually if I take a moment), and her fur is still kinda rough (slowly changing to MUCH softer).
I've been giving her about a tablespoon of oats once a week (concerned she'll become an oats JUNKY)...and we're considering buying her some alfalfa hay to mix in with her Timothy hay. Is this the right process to take?
Her prev owner said she was 5lbs, but she feels REALLY LIGHT, much lighter than Maisie...and like it was mentioned in another thread (which I'll post the link for in a sec), she feels lighter than she looks like she should be. Also, she has no dewlap at all...and she's about a year and a half in age. :?
Soooo...for a bun like this...first of she underweight, do you think?
If so, please tell me what process I can go through to help her get to her proper weight...
She's not much of an eater in general...doesn't eat as much hay as the other girls. I've been giving her 1/4c of pellets, but don't have to refill her bowl daily. Right now, she's eating Forti-Diet by Kaytee (it's what she came with, and I thought with her current weight, it would be good to keep her on...I've been considering switching her to Kaytee Rabbit Supreme, as it's got appropriate percentages of things, and is alfalfa...which might help her as well), and getting about (literally) 1/2lb of hay daily (whether she finishes it or's what all four girls get daily).
Any suggestions?
Edited to add link mentioned:
Also edited to add pictures of SweetPea:
You can kinda see her back end a bit here:
My SweetPea feels quite skinny to me. Her backbone is quite prominent, I can feel her ribs (individually if I take a moment), and her fur is still kinda rough (slowly changing to MUCH softer).
I've been giving her about a tablespoon of oats once a week (concerned she'll become an oats JUNKY)...and we're considering buying her some alfalfa hay to mix in with her Timothy hay. Is this the right process to take?
Her prev owner said she was 5lbs, but she feels REALLY LIGHT, much lighter than Maisie...and like it was mentioned in another thread (which I'll post the link for in a sec), she feels lighter than she looks like she should be. Also, she has no dewlap at all...and she's about a year and a half in age. :?
Soooo...for a bun like this...first of she underweight, do you think?
If so, please tell me what process I can go through to help her get to her proper weight...
She's not much of an eater in general...doesn't eat as much hay as the other girls. I've been giving her 1/4c of pellets, but don't have to refill her bowl daily. Right now, she's eating Forti-Diet by Kaytee (it's what she came with, and I thought with her current weight, it would be good to keep her on...I've been considering switching her to Kaytee Rabbit Supreme, as it's got appropriate percentages of things, and is alfalfa...which might help her as well), and getting about (literally) 1/2lb of hay daily (whether she finishes it or's what all four girls get daily).
Any suggestions?
Edited to add link mentioned:
Also edited to add pictures of SweetPea:

You can kinda see her back end a bit here: