I've been wanting to free roam my bunny ever since I got him. Right now he lives in an x-pen in our basement, which is fine, but I'd really like to break down that barrier and share a living space with him. The only problem is my family. I still live at home, and my parents don't even want me to leave him alone for more than five minutes if I'm letting him play. This is because he has (like most bunnies) destroyed some chords, and though it's been awhile, and I make sure to bunny proof EXTENSIVELY, my parents still don't trust him. On top of that, the only place I could really free roam him is my bedroom, which I share with my sister. We have a puppy and thus he can't really be free roamed anywhere else. I think I might be able to convince my sister, but my parents are the hard part. Also, some of our family has light allergies to hay, and though we use orchard grass, my mom worries about his hay or dander going through vents. How can I convince my family to let me free roam him? Thanks in advance!!