I have 8 bunnies that all live together in aVERY LARGE two story condo. They are three generations of thesame family. They are now all spayed and neutered so wecannot have any more babies!. They all are very happy livingtogether, but today we found a stray bunny in our yard visiting ourbuns. He looks to be about 3-5 months old because he is verysmall. However, when I put one of my buns in an enclosurewith him, he began to mount her. Luckily, she cannot make newbabies. After I have him neutered, do you think that mybunnies will allow him into their family and allow him to share theirhome? How do I test this out without endangeringhim. Two of my buns are neutered males, the rest are spayedfemales.