I QUOTE="edikit, post: 1146062, member: 27702"]
No shame here. Rabbit savvy vets are notoriously expensive and are not always the right option anyway IMO. Especially in the US, I feel like our small animal veterinary care is still a decade behind other countries, unfortunately. A local rescue could be an alternative if you've got any nearby. You might be able to get basic checkup stuff (heart, temperature, etc.) done for very cheap or even at no cost. It sounds like you're already doing a lot of that yourself, but never hurts to have another resource available.
What's her enclosure like? I've learned that when rabbits don't have a large enough space or enough areas to hide to emulate a burrow or safe space, they become excessively territorial of their enclosure because it's the only place they feel remotely safe. If she's outside, this could potentially be exacerbated by the fact that she feels threatened by predators. When I take our bun out to our backyard to play, he'll freak out if there are birds chirping nearby. Is she any different inside vs. outside?
You mentioned that you've got family who's allergic to her. Is it possible that they're allergic to her hay and not her fur? I only ask because timothy hay allergies are very common. I get a rash and sinus issues any time I handle timothy hay, but no reaction with orchard or really any other type of hay. Might be something worth exploring as a potential option to move her enclosure inside, which might help the behavior problems.
Sorry if it seems like I'm imposing or judging, that's not my intent at all. I totally understand that everyone has different circumstances. Just trying to get a feel for your situation!
I totally get it! Doesn't sound like you're judging at all! I'll attach a picture of her cage.
She kind of has to be an outside bun because I'm the most allergic to her, and she'd live in my room most of the time, we couldn't do a free roam bun sadly. And she has to be outside because she is the buddy for my brother bun. That's the whole reason I got her honestly. It's not the hay, we've used orchard hay, but my brothers bun didn't like it and it was expensive, so we switched to timothy hay.
I'll see of there are any places that I can take her in to get a check-up for cheap. I'd really like to, but like I said before, I am a little tight on money

. Plus there are no good bunny vets nearby.
They get locked up at night in the yellow and red hutch, and during the day, they get all the space in the black fenced-in area.