How old is your bun?

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How old are your bunnies?

  • less than 1 year

  • 1 year

  • 2 years

  • 3 years

  • 4 years

  • 5 years

  • 6 years

  • 7 years

  • 8 years

  • 9 years

  • 10 years

  • more than 10 years

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California, USA

This just came to my head. I wanted to get a general census on how old are the bunnies in here. If you have more than one, select multiple choices. Thanks guys.

My buns are all less than 2 yrs (Maisie being the oldest and her 2nd birthday will be 30 Dec). I also have some buns that are under a year. So, despite having such a large herd, they're all really young! :)

Edited to add: Good thread! I've often wondered the age of everyone else's buns! :)

Edited again to add birthdays:

Maisie: 30 Dec 05
Harley: 4 Jan 06
Trixie: 14 Feb 06
SweetPea and Flower: @ 30 Mar 06
Fiver: 30 Sep 06
Dusty, Drew, Bun Bun: 15 Feb 07
I agree that I like this topic. I've always been curious about how old everyone's buns are.

Gracie is my oldest at anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3-years old. That's the vet's estimation and I pretty much agree with that assumption. William is my second oldest at 15-months and both Einstein and Miko are very young. Einstein's only 3-months old and Miko is between 4 and 5-months old.

I love seeing and hearing about older bunnies since I'm always so afraid of losing my guys. I'll be curious to hear about everyone's rabbits and how old they are.
Mocha -4 years 8 months

Zoey - 2 years 4 months

Reese - 5 years 1 month

Aero - estimated 9-10 months

Mia - not a clue but she is an adult so I'm calling her 'adoption day' her first birthday.
Sparky and Scooter are both 4 years old. I don't know Sparky's actual birth date, so I just celebrate both birthdays on Scooter's day. Sparky is about a month older than Scooter.
Pebbles - 3 years 5 months (estimated Birthday June 23/2004) adopted on November 23/04

Bebe- 4 years 3 months (unknown in 2003)adopted and givenBirthdayon August 26/07
I dont know actual Birthdays, just estimates:

Basil is 7

Max is 4

Tumnus is 2

Lucy is 1

Fosters: Big Max is 3 and Nigel is about 10 months.
Penelope turned 1 on Aug. 23rd

Rupert turned 1 on Sept. 24th

My first bunny lived to be about 11.5 years old!
god this is a hard one but here goes

mini lops

captain barbosa - 3 yr

captain blackbeard - 4yrs

lola - 8mth

charlie - 6mth

tardis - 4 mth

rattit - 4 yrs

english lop

joey - 16 mth

continental giants

obi-wan kenobi - 18 mth

princess leah - 18 mth

buffy - 6 mth

captain jack harkness - 5 mth

apple - 19 mth

angel - 2 yrs

british giant

padame - 20 mth


will turner - 20 mth

darla - 2 yrs

zanda - 2 yrs

drucilla - 4 yrs


sportacus- 6 mth

caitlin - 1 yr

stephane - 1 yr

cusso - 4 mth

robbie rotton - 3 mth

2contis arriving on saturday

18 mth , 3 mth no names as yet :biggrin2:

i think thats all of them dont think i have missed anyone :?

maherwoman wrote:
Methinks someone is a Dr. Who fan like me....and possibly a Torchwood fan?


lol guess your on about tardis and captain jack :pi will add i dont name the rabbits the children do but have to admit yes im huge dr who and torchwood fan , and of course david tennanat and jon barrowman are both georgeous ;)

we are also buffy and angel fans and pirates of the carrabbean lol

james named all of them except joey , sportacus , cusso, apple, stephane , caitlin and robbie rotton jazzy named them :biggrin2:
Bender and Lily are both shelter buns, so I don't know exact dates either, just guess-timates. We celebrate Bender's birthday with DH's in January and Lily's birthday with mine in April. They'll both be four years old next year.
Hi All,

Our oldest is the queen of our warren....Squirt. She is closing in on 8 years old here in a couple of months. We also have a pair of twin black Havana brothers that are turning 7. They came to us unweanedon Dec. 31, 2000 and they were some of our first official rescues. We were called when a breeder moved out and left a few animals. In their defense, these rabbits were on very black dirt and had dug a hole. They were nearly frozen.We don't feel it was intentional. They have never been separated at any point during their entire life....they even had their neuters at the very same time in the same surgical suite by different doctors. They live in their own little world with no interest for friends. After those...we make a full run of ages down to a few months.


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