how old are your rabbits

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Oh my, these buns are just soadorable! I love seeing their whiskers, and noses, and fuzzylittle feet, and oh my!!! :D

Aaahh...can't get enough buns...oh to have a huge house with an extra room or two to give the guns their own...*sigh*
Harper is around 2 years old. He was about 6 months old when he was rescued, and I've had him for a year and a half.



Xuanxuan is 1yr n 8 days old.I sure hope he livea long live. My previous 2 buns all did not live past 2 yrs n in fact,one died a day after he turns 1 :(. So now i'm actually very scared cozxuanxuan had reach tat age.... Anyway, here's a photo of him.
WeePea wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Rubyand Millie are5 years 3 months old.:)

OMGTHEY'RE HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorgeous butHUGE!!!!!!
:lolThanks! They're not that big, they are standard rexes, soprobably about 7 pounds each? Although Millie was the runt of herlitter so she is a bit smaller than Ruby. Here is a size comparisonwith my leg!;)


ani-lover wrote:
my bun Domino is 15 and i am curious how old everyones bunnies are
Wow! That's incredible. Domino is such acutie! I have a broken black and white Mini Lop, too and Ialmost namedher Domino.

My youngest is one and a half and my oldest is two and ahalf. I would be so happy if they could live as long asDomino.

We can only estimate Amber's age, but we figurethat she's about 3 years old. Devon was born at the rescue on April1st, 2005, so that means he's just a few days over 1 year and 7 months.
Spice is 3 year and 7 months old today. :)shock:)

Mocha is 3 years and 8 months old on Saturday.:)shock2:Where has the time gone?!)

And Zoey is 1 year and 4 months old on Friday.

My little bunnie Poppy is about 14 monthsold..... im not too sure as i bought her when she was 6 weeks butcannot remember her birthday :(.... so her birthday is everyday :D

Ringo was 6mnths when we got him which was injuly. We have had him a year and 4mnths. So he will be turning 2 ineither Jan or Feb. Something like that.


Samantha has been with us a year and she was atleast 9mnths when we got her so between 2-3 years old.


Connor turns 1 years old this month. Not sure of the exact date.


Teresa hmm, we got her in Febuary so thats 9mnths she had to be atleast 6mnths. So you go figure.


Dallas is 9mnths old. We are adopting him soon. He will be a year Feb 9th.


This is Austin. He is Dallas's brother fromthe samelitter.He was adopted to some onein Long Island. Iwant to keep something around for Dallas. Guess its silly isn't it?


WOW 15 years?! Am i seeing this correctly? I thought my bunnies were old when they died at 11years!

That is totally amazing :DHe will be in the guiness world records soon!

I dont know how you people can get the year and the month so accuratly. I have no idea the ages of mine by months.

My bunnies are probually about 3 years now.



And Dottie

i have had my bun bun since august, he is a year old and we have named him brian.:)

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