How do you feel about yourself?

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What is your personality?

  • High maintenance

  • Low maintenance

  • Outgoing

  • Shy

  • I like crowds

  • I don't like crowds

  • Self-starter

  • Likes/needs help from friends to make decisions

  • Comfortable with life

  • Not comfortable with life

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
How would you describe your temperament/personality?

Please answer via my poll, too. I'm just curious about the diversity of rabbit people. :)
Ok so these are what i chose

I feel that i am Low maintenance, pretty much

I feel that i am pretty Outgoing person when i am comfortable with the situation and people

But on the same point i feel that i am Shy, i am pretty to my self type of person , and am shy when it comes to people unless i feel comfortable with the people and situation.

I don't like crowds - with this i dont like crowded places, i hate night clubs, crowded bars, and most crowded places, i get frustrated with people in situations like this and would rather be home,lol


Comfortable with life -i am comfortable with where i am and with my life
I chose low maintnance as none of the other ones really matched. I'm and anxious person about certain things(worry a lot, like to have things on schedual) but usually I'm pretty chill and go with the flow. I can be shy but I'm also outgoing and will talk to people etc at parties. I dont' care what other people think too much.

I'm pretty much half and half, half outgoing, half chill and like to stay home.
Ok so i did not know we could choose tmore then one.

But I am comfertable with my life right now. I have eerything I could want and so much more:biggrin2:
High maintenance ... Self starter... Don't like crowds.... Uncomfortable wih life....

I'm pretty high-strung lol
Luvmyzoocrew and I are apparently twins because I answered exactly the same. The only slight difference is that while I also dislike crowded places like bars and night clubs (which I honestly dislike regardless of the number of people, though crowding makes it worse), I don't mind concerts or crowded grocery stores or crowded fairs or anything.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew and I are apparently twins because I answered exactly the same. The only slight difference is that while I also dislike crowded places like bars and night clubs (which I honestly dislike regardless of the number of people, though crowding makes it worse), I don't mind concerts or crowded grocery stores or crowded fairs or anything.
ha ha ha ha ha maybe we were seperated at birth,lol
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Ok so these are what i chose

I feel that i am Low maintenance, pretty much

I feel that i am pretty Outgoing person when i am comfortable with the situation and people

But on the same point i feel that i am Shy, i am pretty to my self type of person , and am shy when it comes to people unless i feel comfortable with the people and situation.

I don't like crowds - with this i dont like crowded places, i hate night clubs, crowded bars, and most crowded places, i get frustrated with people in situations like this and would rather be home,lol
Fran this is exactly me except that i worry about things to much and i just plainly think to much and i lack in self confidence :p
ha ha ha when reading other threads on here that people have talked about themselves, i find that ALOT of us are VERY simialr in our personalities.
Mostly high maintenance - I'm picky, need to do hair/make up daily, clean freak, etc.

Shy - I'm afraid to meet new people & afraid to do most things having to do with people because I am so "shy".

I don't like crowds - Panic/anxiety attacks galore!!!

I need help (not him to tell me what to do) from the husband to make most decisions - I have a hard time with disapproval from people, for some reason.

I am not comfortable with my life - I want to buy a house, get a Persian kitten & a Flemish Giant, go to dog grooming school & work in a salon...eventually go mobile on my own, move to the east coat, I'm having issues with my mom due to people being selfish, I worry too much about life (being 21, married, and responsible sucks sometimes), I worry we won't be able/be at the right time in life to have a kid before I am 24 years old (I refuse to have my first older then that), is never ending. I can't wait until we get settled for real in life...that is all I really want to be content.

I am:
Mostly High Maintenance: I have a quick temper; am super organized and get out of sorts if things don't go the way I think they should; obsessive cleaner.

I don't like crowds. I need to have space or I feel very uncomfortable.

I am not comfortble with my life. No comment further as to why, things just are not where I thought they would be.
I chose

High Maintenance
I refuse to leave my house without wearing Make up and if I really, really have to I feel like the whole world is staring at my pale face lol! I'm also picky about my hair and clothes and what I look like in general.

I like crowds
I like crowds most of the time as long as it isn't a rough crowd, I'm the only person who chose it lol!

Like/needs help from friends to make decisions
I like to ask opinions of my friends sometimes if I am making a decision, especially if I'm really unsure

I didn't choose whether I am comfortable or not with life, about about 70% comfortable lol! It's just school! I wish I was done with school, it's so boring and I have to get up sooo early! I just want to be in college studying veterinary nursing and living the college life now.
I don't think anyone is ever fully comfortable with life, we always want more.

I always thought I was Low Maintenance. But everyone I know closely thinks I'm High Maintenance. I think the thing is, I mostly really like to be left alone. I am an only child, so I am good at entertaining myself, and don't need others to validate anything or keep me company. Some of my friends need to feel needed, or be the center of attention, so they are put off by me.
I do like things the way I like them, so I guess that is High Maintenance, though my demands are few and simple.

I am not outgoing at all. Though I am comfortable among friends, I hate crowds and don't do well around strangers. I tend to be the quiet one, and not talk to anyone I don't know. I am also rubbish with making conversation. I just don't think of things to say to or ask people. Even people I know well. My mom and I usually run out of things to talk about after about 15 minutes on the phone. I do find maintaining relationships to be tedious, even when I genuinely like the people I'm in the relationship/friendship with. It's not because I don't like someone, it's because I'm lazy. As a result, I have very few friends, but the friends I do have are EXTREMELY close to me.

Sometimes a self-starter, other times I am more comfortable being a sheep. Not good with group mentality, though.

I absolutely can't stand crowds. I can navigate through a crowded store, and be annoyed but not overwhelmed. Don't care for things like sporting events or bars. I mostly prefer being at home. I like to watch movies at home. I like to have a drink at home. I like to stay home and read a book.

I don't know how comfortable I am with my life. On the one hand, I am satisfied, and I certainly recognize that I have things better than it could be. On the other hand, I do dream about greater things. I also think I would be happier if I had fewer anxieties.
:yeahthat::yeahthat:. hey thats me! tho as a proud uglybug i do like my make up:). i do like to think that im looking my best when i leave the house:dude:.

my closest friend is also an only child and the above could describe her too:)
Hmm, interesting thread!

I'm a pretty outgoing person, and I tend to take care of other people more than I am taken care of, so I guess I'm low maintenance. I like crowds in certain situations (I like going out and going to concerts and things), but am claustrophobic so have to be in the right mood if it is really busy! That being said, I am a worrier (about everything!) and I hate change with a passion. I can also turn pretty fiery if anyone hurts my loved ones, but am generally pretty laid back!


I've been told that I'm high maintenance, trying to change that...
I used to be very shy, but not anymore, in the last few years I've really improved that.
I'm fine with crowds in a nightclub or bar, or anywhere really except in a clothes shop, I hate that.
I can make my own decisions most of the time.
I am not comfortable with life.

An x-gf of mine once told me I'm the "worst kind"... I'm high-maintenance who thinks he's low-maintenance. --A When Harry Met Sally line.

I think we're all pretty fragile, whether we want to admit it, or not.

High maintenance: Really really high haha.

Outgoing: I'm always the one who starts the party, the crazy one, the one who fits in although I don't know anyone, im bubbly.

I like crowds: I love crowds i love to be the center of attention, though sometimes i need to slow down the world doesn't revolve around me!

Comfortable with life: I'm only 13, i don't have as much things to worry about.

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