In the rescue I work with there are many more surendered vs abused. One recent bunn was clearly very loved. He came with a little back pack filled with toys, scarves to dress up in, harness and leash, and treats. With this economy his mom just couldn't keep him because she had lost her job and home. We are hoping things look up for her and she can get him back.
I do get sad that I can't save and spoil every bunn that needs a home. It's overwhelming the numbers of animals that just want to be loved. I do what I can and have to be content that I totally change the worlds of the ones I can save. I also sent toys for all the rescue bunns for Christmas. This is where I get my kid's toys from and I sent a box to the rescue. They are very kind and double your money.
Indy was with us from February until September. He even knew bunny love. He instantly bonded with Becky. They were both special and helped eachother.