How long has he had a water bottle? Ifit's only been about a day, don't worry...he'll figure it out, andhe'll be just fine.
If it's been more than a day, I would suggest putting his bowl back in(with some water in it), underneath his bottle, and tapping the end ofthe bottle spigot, so he kinda gets the idea.
I didn't have too much of a problem getting either of my girls toadjust to a bottle. One of them was born and raised (well forher first couple months of life, anyway...she came home with me at8wks) by a very loving family, with a bowl, and had a bit of a hardtime, but figured it out overnight.
Flower was a rescue from a neighbor of mine, and hadn't reallyexperienced drinking out of either, considering when I found her, shewas completely lacking in food or water. But she figured itout, too, in about the same amount of time.
If it's still the first day you've given him the bottle, just leave himalone, and be patient. There isn't really a trick to it...hecan tell by smell (and other senses) that there's water in there, andsoon you'll see him trying to figure out how to get it
out.He'llable to tell there's water at the end of the spigot, and willwork at it until he gets water. Try not to worry,ok?