How can I help my bunny make the transition from water bowl to water bottle?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
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, Ontario, Canada
Our new bunny Rupert only drank from a bowl atthe the breeders. He is the first bunny I've ever had whohasn't known how to drink from a water bottle when I got him.We'ven trying to show him how, but he seems uninterested.I would really prefer him to drink from a bottle because it is cleanerand doesn't take up room in the cage. Is there a trick togetting him to do this?
It sometimes helps if you put the bowl and thebottle right near eachother, so he gets where they are. Then,there are 2 kinds of bottles. The kind with the ball at thetip and the kind that is like a rod inside another rod. Mybunnies couldn't figure the rod one out, so I switched to theball. Finally, put some vanilla extract or imitation vanillaextract or something else he likes, maybe a bit of banana on the tip ofthe bottle, to make him lick it so he figures out that that's where thewater comes from. After he starts drinking from the bottle,leave the bowl in there, at least for a little while, so he has theoption of both.
Some never learn. Mocha would rather die of dehydration than drink from a bottle.

And personally, I like the bowl better anyway because it forces you toclean it more often (come on, how often do you scrub out the bottle andspout?) and most rabbits drink more from bowls than bottles which canhelp keep them healthy.
How long has he had a water bottle? Ifit's only been about a day, don't worry...he'll figure it out, andhe'll be just fine.

If it's been more than a day, I would suggest putting his bowl back in(with some water in it), underneath his bottle, and tapping the end ofthe bottle spigot, so he kinda gets the idea.

I didn't have too much of a problem getting either of my girls toadjust to a bottle. One of them was born and raised (well forher first couple months of life, anyway...she came home with me at8wks) by a very loving family, with a bowl, and had a bit of a hardtime, but figured it out overnight.

Flower was a rescue from a neighbor of mine, and hadn't reallyexperienced drinking out of either, considering when I found her, shewas completely lacking in food or water. But she figured itout, too, in about the same amount of time. :)

If it's still the first day you've given him the bottle, just leave himalone, and be patient. There isn't really a trick to it...hecan tell by smell (and other senses) that there's water in there, andsoon you'll see him trying to figure out how to get it out.He'llable to tell there's water at the end of the spigot, and willwork at it until he gets water. Try not to worry,ok? :)
We did the same as missyscovesuggested. We put Socks water dish under the hangingbottle. The water dish got plain water and the water bottlehad vanilla extract in it. It took about a month or so but westarted to hear the telltale tick tick tick of the water bottle beingused. After awhile we removed the dish and he has been usingthe bottle ever since!:)
Thank you to everyone who responded!Rupert is still drinking from the bowl. We have the EdstromWater Swiggler (the type with the rod) which might be making it moredifficult for him to figure out. We tried putting a littlebit of banana on the rod, but he seemed uninterested. I don'twant to over-do it with stuff like that though, as he is only 7.5 weeksold. We have the bottle and bowl close to eachother. I am hesitant to remove the bowl for any length oftime, because I don't want him to get dehydrated...

Anyway, I'll keep you posted! He may just end up being a bunny who drinks from a bowl forever, which is fine too :)
I would definately reccomend trying the ballbeaing kind. I could tell it was easier eve justfor me to get the water out.
missyscove wrote:
I would definately reccomend trying the ball beaingkind. I could tell it was easier eve just for me toget the water out.

Thank you for the advice!! We bought the kind with the balland Rupert is now drinking from the bottle! We are very proudbunny parents :D
I completely agree...we tried giving Flower the rod-type bottle, and she couldn't get it worth beans!

YAY!! Happy to hear he's drinking out of it...wonderful!!!

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower do the Good Job Dance!! :D

missyscove wrote:
I would definatelyreccomend trying the ball beaing kind. I could tell it waseasier eve just for me to get the water out.
hunnybunny63 wrote:
ive never seen a water bottle with a rod! how do they work?

by the sounds of things theyrnt very good thoguh if no bunnies can work otu how to use them!

This is the one I have for my girls (and Rupert, but he is using the ball-type for now):


The girls took to it right away. It is great because it doesnot drip/leak. All they do is depress the rod and water isdispensed.
f_j wrote:
hunnybunny63 wrote:
ivenever seen a water bottle with a rod! how do they work?

by the sounds of things theyrnt very good thoguh if no bunnies can work otu how to use them!

This is the one I have for my girls (and Rupert, but he is using the ball-type for now):


The girls took to it right away. It is great because it doesnot drip/leak. All they do is depress the rod and water isdispensed.

thanks now i know what everyone is talking about!

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