Hi, I'm a bunnybeginner and I was wondering how to house train a rabbit? I've been thinking about letting the bunny have free run of the house, with a litterbox like a cat. Would this be possible? Thank you for everything!
Yes this is very possible, and in my experience, much easier than litter training a cat. I used medium sized cat litter trays - the corner ones designed for rabbits are too small imo, everything gets kicked out of them. You can use a wood or paper based cat litter, make sure not to use a clay based one though as that can be harmful if they ingest it. Here's the library link for litter and litter trays, and here is the thread for litter training, lots of great advice in here.
You need to be very careful letting your rabbit have free roam of the house though, lots of potential dangers such as electric cables, and it can be very difficult to "bunny-proof" your whole home, usually a room or two is easier. This is our thread for that.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you get a baby bunny, itwill take a littlelonger to learn litter training, just like a young child, so be patient. Also, spaying or neutering your bunny will make it easier to littertrain as well, and the litterpan will have almost no smell at all with a neutered/spayed bunny. Most of us on here have littertrained quite a few bunnies, so feel free to ask lots of questions, LOL. Oh, and welcome to RO!
While purchasing some emergency sacks of AnimalPlanet timothy hay at Target a few months back, the clerk asked the same Q. ..."I heard you can litter train a rabbit..."
Glad to see you'll get your bunny guided to using the restroom! The RO Library is a tremendously valuable resource.
Just wanted to add about the baby or bunnies non- spayed/neutered who are young..
If it's a baby (2-4 months) you can litter box train them before they are old enough to be spayed/neutered (at 4-6months depending on the vet), but once they hit peuberty at 4 months, those litter box habits will go out the window until they are neutered/spayed and then they will go back to good litter box habits again within 1-2 weeks after being fixed and their hormones go back to non-crazy status.
Non-fixed young bunnies tend to be more distructive with chewing and high energy mischief, so they can go after pulling carpet, wood moulding, walls, depending on how high strung the rabbit personality is. Once they are fixed and reach 6mo-1yr they calm down a lot and you use a spray bottle filled with grapefruit seed extract with water (found at most health food stores) or lemon oil sprayed on any areas they start to chew to deter them.
If they pee on anything, spray it very thoroughly with white vinegar and non-toxic cleaner to be sure a remove the scent, otherwise they will pee there again and again!