Hollys such a little babe.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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, Illinois, USA
She sniffs me out. licks me and then lays right next to me, like totally.. sprawled out. shes such a darling. i love her.

edit; her and Frank are laying right next to eachother, both like withtheir legs out. aw. so cute... im in love with my animals.yeah.:ptoo much coffee &green teafor metonight
I found Cheeto yesterday. She (?) does this too!For the past half hour she's been throwing herself (flopping over) onmy 2 year old as he lies on the couch. This animal amazes me!

Anyone know if bunnies have are born trusting or do they need to be coaxed into trusting?

Most rabbits need to be handled young to get totrust you.although i have had some that didnt get hanled when they wereyoung that were very trusting.i believe its a combination of trainingand temperment.bluebird

Finding HIS (I now heavily suspect he is a male) original owner is myreal fear. I've promised myself that if the owner shows up, I'll handhim over. But, it would absolutely break my heart. The only consolationwould be that I would know that he was in a good home (gaging by hiscurrent disposition).
Cheetos mom wrote:
Anyone know if bunnies have are born trusting or do they need to be coaxed into trusting?

I think most humans have to gain trust from a bunny. Soundslike Cheeto is very in love with you and your family! It isthe greatest thing to have the trust and love of bunnies!!You are his mamma :pand he knows it!
Cheetos mom wrote:

Finding HIS (I now heavily suspect he is a male) original owner is myreal fear. I've promised myself that if the owner shows up, I'll handhim over. But, it would absolutely break my heart. The only consolationwould be that I would know that he was in a good home (gaging by hiscurrent disposition).

I'm soooo conflicted about this, it has me in tears. On onehand, he's probably in the best home he can be in right now, even ifhis previous abode was extremely caring and loving, it would still onlyequal, not surpass. He's such a lucky bunny to berescued by you!

But I keep thinking of the person herewhose bunnywaslost a few weeks ago, andabout how indescribablyhorrible I'd feel if Pipp ever wandered away and I didn't get herback. I justreally hope Cheetos wasn't somebody'sPipp.

(Then again, he could just be a naturally personable bunny and referred to as 'it' in his previous home).

(There. Now I feel better).


cuddlexoverload wrote:
yeah. its nice how Hollys little thread isnt her thread anymore
Oops! This IS Holly's thread, and Holly most certainlydeserves the attention! What a cutie! She's alionhead? I want one!!! (Seriously, that's the exact bunnyI'd pick if I could choose a bunny, instead of having bunnies fall onme). ;)

Got more pics?

(Maybe Carolyn will move our posts to the Cheetos thread?)


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