Heyahh and Welcome to RO!
Its cool you found this site beucas you wanted to learn how to properly look after you bun! Thts so cool!
I'm rebecca by the way you can call be bex becca or anything like that!!
Hope you enjoy looking at all the info on here and chatting to us all - Now we just need some pics of your bun!
Aww CJ is absolutely adorable! I love the colour she is- I have only ever seen the darker nethies.
That's wonderful that you want to be the best rabbit owner you can; so many people on here have given me the most fab info on rabbits- they are great people to talk to if you have any questions or if you just need to know about rabbits in general.
Try checking out some of the threads in the library section- they are really helpful.
:welcome1to the forum! This is a great website for learning about bunnies and many years of experience to draw from. Look forward to seeing come bigger pictures of CJ.