Hi from frostygirl

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Hi, frostygirl! We're always happy to see new members aroundhere! If you've got any questions, feel free to askaway!! There's usually always someone around to answer yourquestions. :) You'll find we're a very friendlybunch of bunny-lovers. :)

Anyway, glad to see ya!


Mama to:

Maisie and Flower :bunnydance::bunnydance:
and Sunny & Hobbes (the kitties)
Hello and nice to meet you since I last postedon this site I've got a new friend for toffee. she is called lola andis about three months old but I don't what breed she is.

Toffee and lola are in the same cage and they are getting a long wellno fighting although they are both girls toffee is acting as if she isa male if you know what i mean is this normal :dutch:rabbithop
Welcome to The Forum
Rabbits Only Rocks!

[align=left]Sounds like Flopsy and Fluffy. The petshop toldus they were both girls. Turns out they were both boys... areyou sure they are girls maybe a vet can help.

-Ashley :welcome & Flopsy :bunnyangel: & Fluffy :wave2
[/align] [/align]
peapoo_bunny wrote:
yeah thats normal even for a female..theysometimes do that to let the other rabbit know that they are thedominant one:)

Thanks for your help. I just read this to my husband and he said i told you so !!!!!

and now he is walking around saying that he's so clever!

Men think they know everything!:D
frostygirl wrote:
peapoo_bunny wrote:
yeah thats normal even for a female..theysometimes do that to let the other rabbit know that they are thedominant one:)

Thanks for your help. I just read this to my husband and he said i told you so !!!!!

and now he is walking around saying that he's so clever!

Men think they know everything!:D
yeah..lol.. they do act like they know everything sometimes:biggrin
... we have 2 female mice, 1 female bunny...and 3 girls in the family..

vs. 2 guys in the family, 3 male dogs, 1 male horse, 1 male bird, 1 male bunny..

so we are barely outnumbered..lol:D
I thought I had a big family!

But I forgot to tell you about my tropical fish 52 of them in 5 tanksand 2 goldfish but I don't think they count because it is hard to tellwhat they are! apart from one called Tigger she is a shovel-nosecatfish and is 30 cm long!:bunnydance:
How many tanks and what have you got!

tank one I've got

1 shovel-nose catfish, 3 very mad sliver sharks , 2 plecs, 1 naked catfish and one orange finned blue loach.

tank two I've got a black shark.

tank three I've got 5 rashbora's , 1 glasscatfish, 1 clownloach , 5koolie loaches 1 gourami, 4 tetra's and 4 danoe's , one upside-downcatfish and a humbug catfish called humbug!,1 red tailedblack shark ,3 corydoras and 2 chain loaches .

tank four I've got 7 tiger barbs and 5 albino barbs and 4 congo tetras

tank 5 is uglybug and zebra cichlid.

tank 6, 2 goldfish called faker and barker.

and i know i have forgot some!
I will put some cute pictures of toffee and lolaon the site soon .

they have been together now for two days and they are sleeping togetherand eating togther so i think they are going to be the best of friends.:hug:

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