Well-Known Member
frostygirl wrote:
How many tanks and what have you got!
tank one I've got
1 shovel-nose catfish, 3 very mad sliver sharks , 2 plecs, 1 naked catfish and one orange finned blue loach.
tank two I've got a black shark.
tank three I've got 5 rashbora's , 1 glasscatfish, 1 clownloach , 5koolie loaches 1 gourami, 4 tetra's and 4 danoe's , one upside-downcatfish and a humbug catfish called humbug!,1 red tailedblack shark ,3 corydoras and 2 chain loaches .
tank four I've got 7 tiger barbs and 5 albino barbs and 4 congo tetras
tank 5 is uglybug and zebra cichlid.
tank 6, 2 goldfish called faker and barker.
and i know i have forgot some!
wow! we dont have thatmany fish...we used to have alot of fish like that, but after they diedwe gave all our tanks away...we've just got some new tanks a few weeksago, so right now we only have two fish... our smaller tank has onefemale guppy...i had two, but one died...
and our largertank is going to be fantail goldfish...there's only one in it rightnow..fantail goldfish are one ofmy favorites![]()